Intracellular distribution of macrophage targeting ferritin–iron oxide nanocomposite


Intracellular distribution of iron oxide nanoparticlesincorporated within a ferritin mutant that displays genetically introduced cell-targeted peptides (RGD-4C) on its exterior surface are investigated using scanning transmission electron microscopy with a high-angle annular dark-field detector. The particles (indicated by arrows) internalized into macrophages much more effectively than those with noncell-targeted ferritin.




Uchida M, Willits DA, Muller K, Willis AF, Jackiw L, Jutila M, Young MJ, Porter AE, Douglas T, "Intracellular distribution of macrophage targeting ferritin–iron oxide nanocomposite," Adv. Mater. 2009 21(4):458-462
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