Evaluation of Spring Barley Cultivar Performance Under Continuous-Crop and Crop-Crop-Fallow Systems in Central Montana (2011)

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Central Agricultural Research Center


This report evaluates the performance of spring barley cultivars in central Montana. The 2011 growing season conditions were atypical beginning with above average precipitation in September and November. Winter precipitation was near average, while April through mid-June precipitation was much above average. Mid-June through August precipitation was below average. The Moccasin location was seeded in mid-April while the Denton was seeded in mid-May due to the wet spring weather. Ability to access the site quickly and using a double disk drill made if feasible to seed the Moccasin site much earlier than most spring seedings in the area. Leaf diseases were not an issue in spite of the wet May and early June weather due to the generally dry sunny conditions in mid-June through August. 2011 did not provide conditions for good evaluation spring crop performance potential. The late seeding coupled with abundant initial moisture followed by drought conditions led to shallow root placement and possibly reduced root growth. The warmer conditions at emergence may have reduced tiller numbers which resulted in improved test weight levels.



Agronomy, Plant sciences


Bates, S.R., Blake, T.K., Dahlhausen, S.J., Deanon, B.J.S., Vavrovsky, J., Wickman, D.M. 2011. Evaluation of spring barley cultivar performance under continuous-crop and crop-crop-fallow systems in central Montana. Moccasin, Mt.: Central Agricultural Research Center.
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