This readme.txt file was generated on 7/8/2016 by Lillian Deford --------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------- Title of Dataset: Story Mill hydrology and water quality data Short description: This dataset includes all of the data collected and used to analyze the Story Mill hydrology and water quality for the thesis: Hydrologic Influence of Wetland Restoration: the Story Mill Case Study. The objective of this project was to use the data to speculate about the impacts of the wetland restoration that took place on the Story Mill property in Bozeman Montana one year after restoration. Raw data was collected from groundwater wells and surface water gauging stations arranged throughout the site, and includes: water levels, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate, chloride, sulfate, chloride, pH, and dissolved oxygen. Water levels were collected manually as well as continuously with data loggers – both are included. Weather data obtained from the weather station on the Montana State University Campus is included in this dataset, collected and used with permission by Joseph Shaw. Chemical analysis standard data is also provided, developed for the analysis of ionic constituents, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus. Data is arranged in several different spreadsheets but is designed to be linked and correlated – see the dataset illustration. The Primary analysis software used was R, and all code is provided. Filenames and short description: DATA LOGGER WATER LEVELS.csv: continuously collected water level data from surface water gauging stations and groundwater wells WATER CHEMISTRY.csv: all water chemistry parameters measured WATER LEVELS.csv: measured water levels and calculated water elevation and depth to groundwater WEATHER.csv: Continuously collected weather data from Joseph Shaw's weather station at Montana State University WELL ACTION and LOCATION.csv: Groundwater well and surface water gauging station locations. Details if/when/where wells and stations were removed and replaced. WELL INFO.xlsx: well specifics including ownership, total depth, and installation notes File Relationships: see file: Data Base Structure.pdf Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Otto Stein Institution: Montana State University Address: Cobleigh Hall 216 Email: Assistant Researcher Contact Information Name: Lillian Deford Institution: Montana State University Email: Date range of data collection: 11/5/2013 - 9/3/2015 Geographic location of data collection: Bozeman, Montana, 59715, USA Funding source: Department of Environmental Quality Wetlands Program --------------------------------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------- For Materials and Methods, see thesis: Hydrologic Influence of Wetland Restoration: The Story Mill Case Study Methods for processing the data: R was the primary software used to process data. All code is provided, as well as PDF maps of all surfaces generated by the code (file: Surfaces). Note that file pathways may need to be adjusted in the code. See files and their short descriptions: Air Temperature.R: plots air temperature over time Chemistry trends by well.R: assesses if chemical parameters in each well changed with time Chemistry trends overall.R: assesses if chemical parameters, averaged across the site, changed with time Data Logger Water Levels.R: plots continuously measured water elevation Depth to Groundwater Surfaces.R: creates a depth to groundwater surface map for each sampling date Depth to Groundwater Trends.R: assesses if depth to groundwater changed with time Dissolved Oxygen Surfaces.R: creates a continuous surface of dissolved oxygen concentrations accross the site for each sampling date Groundwater Elevation Surfaces.R: creates a groundwater elevation surface map for each sampling date Groundwater Elevation trends.R: assesses is groundwater elevation changed with time Nitrate NvsS.R: Parellel and seperate line models to assess if nitrate concentrations decreased along the groundwater flow path from north to south, and if these trends changed with time Nitrate Surfaces.R: creates a continuous surface of nitrate concentrations accross the site for each sampling date pH Surfaces.R: Creates a contiunous surface pH surface accross the site for each sampling date Phosphate Surfaces.R: creates a continuous surface of orthophosphate concentrations accross the site for each sampling date Precipitation.R: plots precipitation over time. Sulfate Surfaces.R: creates a continuous surface of sulfate concentrations accross the site for each sampling date Total Nitrogen NvsS.R: Parellel and seperate line models to assess if nitrate concentrations decreased along the groundwater flow path from north to south, and if these trends changed with time Total Nitrogen Surfaces.R: creates a continuous surface of total nitrogen concentrations accross the site for each sampling date Total Phosphorus Surfaces.R: creates a continuous surface of total phosphorus concentrations accross the site for each sampling date Weltand Area.R: plots how wetland area changed over time. Standards and calibration information: see files and their short descriptions: dates to scrub.csv: supports analysis of Data Logger Water Levels Digestion Standard Curves and Calculator.xlsx: standards and calibration for total nitrogen and total phosphorus ION STANDARDS.xlsx: standards and calibration for all ionic measurements Groundwater well recharge.xlsx: groundwater well recharge measurements taken during slug tests and used in Hvorslev's Method for determining saturated hydraulic conductivity Gauging Station Rating Curves.xlsx: Rating curves developed to convert gauging station measurement to surface water flow rate values. Groundwater hydraulics.xlsx: Calculations used to find saturated hydraulic conductivity, groundwater flow rate, and hydraulic residence time of groundwater at the site. Codes or symbols used to note or characterize low quality/questionable outliers that people should be aware of: Code/symbol: BDL Definition: Below detection limit Code/symbol: ADL Definition: Above detection limit Code/symbol: STD Definition: Standard Code/symbol: GW Definition: groundwater Code/symbol: SW Definition: surface water Code/symbol: s Definition: South Code/symbol: n Definition: North --------------------------------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC-BY Licensing information can be found at: Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: Data derived from another sources: Shaw, Joseph. Cobleigh Hall weather station data. 2005-present [dataset]. Optical Remote Sensing Laboratory, Montana State University. --------------------------------------------------- CREDITS --------------------------------------------------- Based on a template by University of Minnesota Libraries: