LOC click jpeg find copies tab call number for physical location finds share/save. didn't like it. finds related heading. MET opens all the headings. a little lost. fail finding physical item. returns later to correct answer. likes clean look, but it's not so easy to find information. finds share button. OASC a little jargony. scrolls for related content. too streamlined. NAU finds download arrow. share thing is tiny. hack around for related items. would use find on page for “related” hates embedded. difficult to scroll through. DPLA download: clicks type. then clicks image. likes a clear “download” link that's not present here's not sure about making copies. related: goes back to search results overall: got what needed, but not that easily. would be frustrated to have to email someone to get a copy. didn't like clicking between two pages. IU related: return to results pages. wish there were related button. downloads: click on images. would just share link MSU scrolls down, scrolls up, scrolls down again. then finds location. not sure how to download. “document PDF” vague. would click on image. not sure of rights. might assume publisher controls rights. clicks around to About page. would include link to rights on every item page. related: goes back to home page. looking for more closely related items. topics too broad. not clear that she's in a Doig-specific collection. three columns too much. but all the info should be there. wants to see the word “related” bold headings. likes one column mobile view.