M.A. Bell. & Huijser, M.P. (2024). Exploring Apex Predator Effects on Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions: A Case Study on Wolf Reintroductions in Yellowstone. Report number 4WA237. Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, USA. This dataset is the study area segment level data used in the analysis. Each segment (RM10.5-RM32.3) has a row for each year (1989-2021) with the number of wildlife-vehicle collision occurring in each 0.1-mile segment. The carcass data was provided by the National Park Service (Kerry Gunther, Bear Management Biologist at YNP). Due to privacy sharing concerns, the species names were removed from this dataset. For each year, the equivalent year average annual daily traffic (AADT), aerial elk counts, and adult wolf counts were added to this data. Adult wolf counts were acquired from Yellowstone Wolf Project annual reports. Aerial elk counts were acquired from Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. The AADT was acquired from Montana Department of Transportation GIS Portal.