Scholarly Work - Center for Biofilm Engineering
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Item Compromised host defense on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms: Characterization of neutrophil and biofilm interactions(2003-10) Jesaitis, A. J.; Franklin, Michael J.; Berglund, Deborah L.; Sasaki, Maiko; Lord, Connie I.; Bleazard, Justin Brock; Duffy, James E.; Beyenal, Haluk; Lewandowski, ZbigniewPseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that forms biofilms on tissues and other surfaces. We characterized the interaction of purified human neutrophils with P. aeruginosa, growing in biofilms, with regard to morphology, oxygen consumption, phagocytosis, and degranulation. Scanning electron and confocal laser microscopy indicated that the neutrophils retained a round, unpolarized, unstimulated morphology when exposed to P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilms. However, transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that neutrophils, although rounded on their dorsal side, were phagocytically active with moderate membrane rearrangement on their bacteria-adjacent surfaces. The settled neutrophils lacked pseudopodia, were impaired in motility, and were enveloped by a cloud of planktonic bacteria released from the biofilms. The oxygen consumption of the biofilm/neutrophil system increased 6- and 8-fold over that of the biofilm alone or unstimulated neutrophils in suspension, respectively. H(2)O(2) accumulation was transient, reaching a maximal measured value of 1 micro M. Following contact, stimulated degranulation was 20-40% (myeloperoxidase, beta-glucuronidase) and 40-80% (lactoferrin) of maximal when compared with formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine plus cytochalasin B stimulation. In summary, after neutrophils settle on P. aeruginosa biofilms, they become phagocytically engorged, partially degranulated, immobilized, and rounded. The settling also causes an increase in oxygen consumption of the system, apparently resulting from a combination of a bacterial respiration and escape response and the neutrophil respiratory burst but with little increase in the soluble concentration of H(2)O(2). Thus, host defense becomes compromised as biofilm bacteria escape while neutrophils remain immobilized with a diminished oxidative potential.Item Contributions of antibiotic penetration, oxygen limitation, and low metabolic activity to tolerance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to ciprofloxacin and tobramycin(2003-01) Walters, Marshall C., III; Roe, Frank L.; Bugnicourt, Amandine; Franklin, Michael J.; Stewart, Philip S.The roles of slow antibiotic penetration, oxygen limitation, and low metabolic activity in the tolerance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in biofilms to killing by antibiotics were investigated in vitro. Tobramycin and ciprofloxacin penetrated biofilms but failed to effectively kill the bacteria. Bacteria in colony biofilms survived prolonged exposure to either 10 micro g of tobramycin ml(-1)or 1.0 micro g of ciprofloxacin ml(-1). After 100 h of antibiotic treatment, during which the colony biofilms were transferred to fresh antibiotic-containing plates every 24 h, the log reduction in viable cell numbers was only 0.49 +/- 0.18 for tobramycin and 1.42 +/- 0.03 for ciprofloxacin. Antibiotic permeation through colony biofilms, indicated by a diffusion cell bioassay, demonstrated that there was no acceleration in bacterial killing once the antibiotics penetrated the biofilms. These results suggested that limited antibiotic diffusion is not the primary protective mechanism for these biofilms. Transmission electron microscopic observations of antibiotic-affected cells showed lysed, vacuolated, and elongated cells exclusively near the air interface in antibiotic-treated biofilms, suggesting a role for oxygen limitation in protecting biofilm bacteria from antibiotics. To test this hypothesis, a microelectrode analysis was performed. The results demonstrated that oxygen penetrated 50 to 90 micro m into the biofilm from the air interface. This oxic zone correlated to the region of the biofilm where an inducible green fluorescent protein was expressed, indicating that this was the active zone of bacterial metabolic activity. These results show that oxygen limitation and low metabolic activity in the interior of the biofilm, not poor antibiotic penetration, are correlated with antibiotic tolerance of this P. aeruginosa biofilm system.Item Evidence that the AlgI/AlgJ gene cassette, required for O-acetylation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa alginate, evolved by lateral gene transfer(2004-07) Franklin, Michael J.; Douthit, Stephanie Ann; McClure, Marcella A.Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains, isolated from chronically infected patients with cystic fibrosis, produce the O-acetylated extracellular polysaccharide, alginate, giving these strains a mucoid phenotype. O acetylation of alginate plays an important role in the ability of mucoid P. aeruginosa to form biofilms and to resist complement-mediated phagocytosis. The O-acetylation process is complex, requiring a protein with seven transmembrane domains (AlgI), a type II membrane protein (AlgJ), and a periplasmic protein (AlgF). The cellular localization of these proteins suggests a model wherein alginate is modified at the polymer level after the transport of O-acetyl groups to the periplasm. Here, we demonstrate that this mechanism for polysaccharide esterification may be common among bacteria, since AlgI homologs linked to type II membrane proteins are found in a variety of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In some cases, genes for these homologs have been incorporated into polysaccharide biosynthetic operons other than for alginate biosynthesis. The phylogenies of AlgI do not correlate with the phylogeny of the host bacteria, based on 16S rRNA analysis. The algI homologs and the gene for their adjacent type II membrane protein present a mosaic pattern of gene arrangement, suggesting that individual components of the multigene cassette, as well as the entire cassette, evolved by lateral gene transfer. AlgJ and the other type II membrane proteins, although more diverged than AlgI, contain conserved motifs, including a motif surrounding a highly conserved histidine residue, which is required for alginate O-acetylation activity by AlgJ. The AlgI homologs also contain an ordered series of motifs that included conserved amino acid residues in the cytoplasmic domain CD-4; the transmembrane domains TM-C, TM-D, and TM-E; and the periplasmic domain PD-3. Site-directed mutagenesis studies were used to identify amino acids important for alginate O-acetylation activity, including those likely required for (i) the interaction of AlgI with the O-acetyl precursor in the cytoplasm, (ii) the export of the O-acetyl group across the cytoplasmic membrane, and (iii) the transfer of the O-acetyl group to a periplasmic protein or to alginate. These results indicate that AlgI belongs to a family of membrane proteins required for modification of polysaccharides and that a mechanism requiring an AlgI homolog and a type II membrane protein has evolved by lateral gene transfer for the esterification of many bacterial extracellular polysaccharides.Item Stratified growth in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms(2004-10) Werner, Erin M.; Roe, Frank L.; Bugnicourt, Amandine; Franklin, Michael J.; Heydorn, Arne; Molin, Søren; Pitts, Betsey; Stewart, Philip S.In this study, stratified patterns of protein synthesis and growth were demonstrated in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. Spatial patterns of protein synthetic activity inside biofilms were characterized by the use of two green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene constructs. One construct carried an isopropyl-ß-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)-inducible gfpmut2 gene encoding a stable GFP. The second construct carried a GFP derivative, gfp-AGA, encoding an unstable GFP under the control of the growth-rate-dependent rrnBp1 promoter. Both GFP reporters indicated that active protein synthesis was restricted to a narrow band in the part of the biofilm adjacent to the source of oxygen. The zone of active GFP expression was approximately 60 µm wide in colony biofilms and 30 µm wide in flow cell biofilms. The region of the biofilm in which cells were capable of elongation was mapped by treating colony biofilms with carbenicillin, which blocks cell division, and then measuring individual cell lengths by transmission electron microscopy. Cell elongation was localized at the air interface of the biofilm. The heterogeneous anabolic patterns measured inside these biofilms were likely a result of oxygen limitation in the biofilm. Oxygen microelectrode measurements showed that oxygen only penetrated approximately 50 µm into the biofilm. P. aeruginosa was incapable of anaerobic growth in the medium used for this investigation. These results show that while mature P. aeruginosa biofilms contain active, growing cells, they can also harbor large numbers of cells that are inactive and not growing.Item Calcium-induced virulence factors associated with the extracellular matrix of mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms(2005-06) Sarkisova, S. A.; Patrauchan, Marianna A.; Berglund, Deborah L.; Nivens, David E.; Franklin, Michael J.Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonizes the pulmonary tissue of patientswith cystic fibrosis (CF), leading to biofilm-associated infections.The pulmonary fluid of CF patients usually contains elevated concentrations of cations and may contain the P. aeruginosa redox-active pigment pyocyanin, which is known to disrupt calcium homeostasis of host cells. Since divalent cations are important bridging ions for bacterial polysaccharides and since they may play regulatory roles in bacterial gene expression, we investigated the effect of calcium ions on the extracellular matrix constituents of P. aeruginosa biofilms. For mucoid strain P. aeruginosa FRD1,calcium addition (1.0 and 10 mM as CaCl2) resulted in biofilmsthat were at least 10-fold thicker than biofilms without added calcium. Scanning confocal laser microscopy showed increased spacing between cells for the thick biofilms, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed that the material between cells is primarily alginate. An algD transcriptional reporter demonstrated that calcium addition caused an eightfold increase in alg gene expression in FRD1 biofilms. Calcium addition also resulted in increased amounts of three extracellular proteases (AprA, LasB, and PrpL). Immunoblots of the biofilm extracellular material established that AprA was harbored within the biofilm extracellular matrix. An aprA deletion mutation and a mutation in gene for a putative P. aeruginosa calmodulin-like protein did not significantly affect calcium-induced biofilm structure. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed increased amounts of phenazine biosynthetic proteins in FRD1 biofilms and in calcium-amended planktonic cultures. Spectrochemical analyses showed that the calcium addition causes a three- to fivefold increase in pyocyanin production. These results demonstrate that calcium addition affects the structure and extracellular matrix composition of mucoid P. aeruginosa biofilms, through increased expression and stability of bacterial extracellular products. The calcium-induced extracellular matrix of mucoid P. aeruginosa consists primarily of the virulence factor alginate and also harbors extracellular proteases and perhaps pyocyanin, a biomolecule that may further disrupt cellular calcium levels.Item Sampling and quantification of biofilms in food processing and other environments(2009) Nivens, David E.; Co, B. M.; Franklin, Michael J.In the food industry, assessment of food contact surfaces is necessary to determine whether equipment is properly cleaned and/or sanitized and whether living problematic microorganisms are present. Existing quantitative detection technologies are limited by the inability to directly detect living cells in sporadically dispersed biofilms on large surface areas. Thus, precise and accurate sampling strategies must be coupled with detection technology. This chapter discusses sampling methods and standard (e.g., plating and ATP-bioluminescence) and emerging (e.g., spectrometry, immunosensor, and nucleic acid-based) quantitative techniques to detect biofilms on food contact surfaces with a survey of function, analytical performance, and limitations.Item Strain-specific proteome responses of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to biofilm-associated growth and to calcium(2007-11) Patrauchan, Marianna A.; Sarkisova, S. A.; Franklin, Michael J.Liposomal amikacin (Arikace™) is a liposome-encapsulated form of amikacin that is formulated to treat chronic P. aeruginosa infections in cystic fibrosis patients. These liposomes carry a zwitterionic surface charge and are composed of lipids found naturally within the lung. A key aspect of the activity of the formulation is the ability to penetrate to the sites of Pseudomonas biofilm-like growth in the lung. Experiments were designed to investigate the penetration of liposomes into P. aeruginosa biofilms and in vitro activity. Methods and Results: Model liposomes of the same size and lipid composition as liposomal amikacin (Arikace™) were prepared with membrane-associated or encapsulated fluorescent labels, a hydrophobic carbocyanine dye and calcein, respectively. A mucoid strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA3064) was used to establish biofilms in rectangular optical grade glass flow cells. Biofilms were observed after four days of growth by confocal laser scanning microscopy using a focal plane set to view within the biofilm cluster or outside as a control. Time dependent accumulation of fluorescent liposomes within the biofilms was measured by the spatial distribution of fluorescence intensity in regions within or outside of the biofilm. Images indicated significant penetration of liposomes into the interior of biofilms under these conditions. The rate of penetration was considerably slower than typical rates for small molecules, consistent with the size of the liposomes. Liposome concentrations were higher near the periphery than the interior. However, even the interior concentration was at least as high as the concentration of liposomes in the fluid outside of the biofilm, suggesting some binding or trapping of the liposomes within the biofilm. Penetration of liposomes was observed under flow or static conditions. In a “washout” experiment, where medium is passed through the biofilms previously treated with liposomes, a significant portion of the liposomes remained associated with the biofilms for an extended period of time. The penetration of liposomes was reflected in the observation of killing of bacteria in colonies in the interior of agar beads. Exposure of these cultures to liposomal amikacin resulted in a large reduction of viable bacteria throughout the beads as monitored by a fluorescent DNA content assay. Similar colony forming unit reductions in animal models (to be shown in other poster presentations) suggest that these principles also operate in vivo. Conclusions: Liposomes similar to liposomal amikacin (Arikace™) readily penetrate into biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and may even have enhanced binding to biofilms. This binding along with localized release can explain the substantial efficacy observed in animal models.Item Physiological heterogeneity in biofilms(2008-03) Stewart, Philip S.; Franklin, Michael J.Biofilms contain bacterial cells that are in a wide range of physiological states. Within a biofilm population, cells with diverse genotypes and phenotypes that express distinct metabolic pathways, stress responses and other specific biological activities are juxtaposed. The mechanisms that contribute to this genetic and physiological heterogeneity include microscale chemical gradients, adaptation to local environmental conditions, stochastic gene expression and the genotypic variation that occurs through mutation and selection. Here, we discuss the processes that generate chemical gradients in biofilms, the genetic and physiological responses of the bacteria as they adapt to these gradients and the techniques that can be used to visualize and measure the microscale physiological heterogeneities of bacteria in biofilms.Item Localized gene expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms(2008-05) Lenz, Ailyn P.; Williamson, Kerry S.; Pitts, Betsey; Stewart, Philip S.; Franklin, Michael J.Gene expression in biofilms is dependent on bacterial responses to the local environmental conditions. Most techniques for studying bacterial gene expression in biofilms characterize average values over the entire population. Here, we describe the use of laser capture microdissection microscopy (LCMM) combined with multiplex quantitative real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to isolate and quantify RNA transcripts from small groups of cells at spatially resolved sites within biofilms. The approach was first tested and analytical parameters determined for Pseudomonas aeruginosa containing an IPTG-inducible gene for the green fluorescent protein (gfp). The results show that amounts of gfp mRNA were greatest in the top zones of the biofilms, and that gfp mRNA levels correlated with the zone of active GFP-fluorescence. The method was then used to quantify transcripts from wild-type P. aeruginosa biofilms for a housekeeping gene, acpP; the 16S rRNA; and two genes regulated by quorum-sensing, phzA1 and aprA. The results demonstrated that the amount of acpP mRNA was greatest in the top 30 microm of the biofilm, with little or no mRNA for this gene at the base of the biofilms. In contrast, 16S rRNA amounts were relatively uniform throughout biofilm strata. Using this strategy, the RNA amounts of individual genes are determined, and therefore results are dependent on both gene expression and the half-life of transcripts. Therefore, the uniform amount of rRNA throughout the biofilms is likely due to the stability of the rRNA within ribosomes. Levels of aprA mRNA showed stratification, with the greatest amounts in the upper 30 microm zone of these biofilms. The results demonstrate that mRNA levels for individual genes are not uniformly distributed throughout biofilms, but may vary by orders of magnitude over small distances. The LCMM/qRT-PCR technique can be used to resolve and quantify this RNA variability at high spatial resolution.Item Isolation of RNA and DNA from biofilm samples obtained by laser capture microdissection microscopy(2008-10) Pérez-Osorio, Ailyn C.; Franklin, Michael J.The metabolic activities of bacteria growing in biofilms result in spatial gradients of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products. Because bacteria respond to local environmental conditions through changes in gene expression, mRNA levels of individual genes may vary spatially among bacteria within the biofilm. This article describes an approach to isolate RNA for quantification from cells at localized sites within biofilms. Biofilm thin sections are generated by embedding biofilms in cryoembedding resin, freezing the embedded biofilms on dry ice, and cutting with a cryomicrotome. The sections are placed on membrane-coated microscope slides and maintained on dry ice. Laser capture microdissection microscopy (LCMM) is used to dissect small subsets of cells at different regions within the biofilms, and RNA is extracted from the samples using either hot phenol or TRI reagent. A TRI reagent-based DNA extraction method is also presented.