Land Resources & Environmental Sciences

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The Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at Montana State Universityoffers integrative, multi-disciplinary, science-based degree programs at the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. levels.


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    Spring Seeding Integrated with a Spring Glyphosate Application Promotes Establishment ofPseudoroegneria spicata(bluebunch wheatgrass) inBromus tectorum(cheatgrass)-infested Rangelands
    (University of Wisconsin Press, 2024-08) Majeski, Michelle L.; Simanonok, Stacy C.; Miller, Zachariah; Rew, Lisa J.; Mangold, Jane M.
    Bromus tectorum invasion and associated impacts have been documented extensively in the western United States. Integrated approaches have been shown to be effective in restoring rangeland impacted by B. tectorum. While integrating herbicide and seeding of native species can be effective, strategic timing of these tools could further improve restoration outcomes. At three B. tectorum-infested rangeland sites in western Montana, we tested the effects of glyphosate application and timing (fall or spring) and five Pseudoroegneria spicata seeding dates (one fall and four spring dates) on density and cover of P. spicata. Pseudoroegneria spicata density was nearly ten times higher with glyphosate applied to B. tectorum compared to none at one site, and P. spicata abundance was generally greater when spring glyphosate application was combined with spring seeding at two other sites where densities ranged from six to 25 plants per m2. Overall, B. tectorum abundance was minimally affected by treatments and fluctuated between years and across study sites. Our results indicate that spring seeding of P. spicata following a spring glyphosate application promoted establishment of P. spicata, increasing its density and cover compared to fall glyphosate application and fall seeding, spring glyphosate following fall seeding, or seeding without any glyphosate. Restoration practitioners have an ecologically-based strategy for timing glyphosate application and seeding P. spicata based on our results, where spring-seeded P. spicata can grow for several months prior to fall emergence of the next B. tectorum cohort.
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    Testing the effects of seed pellet composition to aid in semiarid restoration seeding
    (Wiley, 2024-11) Teichroew, Erin B.; Rew, Lisa J.
    Restoring and revegetating semiarid regions with native perennial grasses is an extremely difficult task, often unsuccessful due to harsh abiotic conditions. We conducted studies evaluating the use of seed pellets to improve restoration seeding success in controlled and field environments. In a controlled setting, we evaluated the impacts of clay volume, pellet size, and watering rate on seedling establishment and pellet disintegration. The amount of clay, size of pellets, and watering rate were varied in a full factorial design. Seedlings emerged from 40% of the pellets. Clay content did not impact seedling emergence, but larger pellets (2.5 cm) were more likely to produce seedlings. However, when smaller pellets (1.5 cm) produced seedlings, a higher proportion emerged (15 vs. 9%). In the field, we compared seedling establishment monthly, overall summer recruitment, and disintegration of seed pellets made with 10% and 55% clay to broadcast seed and a non-seeded control using a randomized design. Seedling emergence was higher for both the 10% (1.4 seedlings) and 55% clay pellets (1.0 seedling) than the control treatments (0.5 seedlings), and also higher for the 10% clay pellets than broadcast treatments (0.8 seedlings). Additionally, we found that seedling establishment and recruitment were unaffected by pellet disintegration. End-of-season recruitment was higher in 10% clay pellets (2.6 seedlings) than in 55% clay pellets (1.2 seedlings) and control treatments (1.0 seedling). We also found that 2.5 cm pellets had slightly higher recruitment, indicating that larger pellets may be more suited to seedling survival in semiarid environments.
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    Rapid upwards spread of non-native plants in mountains across continents
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023-01) Iseli, Evelin; Chisholm, Chelsea; Lenoir, Jonathan; Haider, Sylvia; Seipel, Tim; Barros, Agustina; Hargreaves, Anna L.; Kardol, Paul; Lembrechts, Jonas J.; McDougall, Keith; Rashid, Irfan; Rumpf, Sabine B.; Arévalo, José Ramón; Cavieres, Lohengrin; Daehler, Curtis; Dar, Pervaiz A.; Endress, Bryan; Jakobs, Gabi; Jiménez, Alejandra; Küffer, Christoph; Mihoc, Maritza; Milbau, Ann; Morgan, John W.; Naylor, Bridgett J.; Pauchard, Aníbal; Backes, Amanda Ratier; Reshi, Reshi; Rew, Lisa J.; Righetti, Damiano; Shannon, James M.; Valencia, Graciela; Walsh, Neville; Wright, Genevieve T.; Alexander, Jake M.
    High-elevation ecosystems are among the few ecosystems worldwide that are not yet heavily invaded by non-native plants. This is expected to change as species expand their range limits upwards to fill their climatic niches and respond to ongoing anthropogenic disturbances. Yet, whether and how quickly these changes are happening has only been assessed in a few isolated cases. Starting in 2007, we conducted repeated surveys of non-native plant distributions along mountain roads in 11 regions from 5 continents. We show that over a 5- to 10-year period, the number of non-native species increased on average by approximately 16% per decade across regions. The direction and magnitude of upper range limit shifts depended on elevation across all regions. Supported by a null-model approach accounting for range changes expected by chance alone, we found greater than expected upward shifts at lower/mid elevations in at least seven regions. After accounting for elevation dependence, significant average upward shifts were detected in a further three regions (revealing evidence for upward shifts in 10 of 11 regions). Together, our results show that mountain environments are becoming increasingly exposed to biological invasions, emphasizing the need to monitor and prevent potential biosecurity issues emerging in high-elevation ecosystems.
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    Climate change and more disturbed land-use types will further the invasion of a non-native annual grass, Ventenata dubia
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022-09) Adhikari, Arjun; Mangold, Jane; Mainali, Kumar P.; Rew, Lisa J.
    Identification of suitable habitat for invasive weeds and their projected infestation extent across different land use cover types under a changing climate is crucial for the broad management goals of prevention, detection, and rapid response. In this study, we adopted an ensemble approach of species distribution models to project potential habitat of the invasive annual grass, Ventenata dubia, within the Gallatin County and along its road corridors, in Montana, USA, under current and future climates. The model prediction of V. dubia habitat was excellent with an AUC value of > 0.90. The climate predictors with most influence on V. dubia occurrence were precipitation, potential evapo-transpiration, relative humidity, vapor pressure deficit, and solar radiation for growing season months. Under current climate, the model projected 243 and 1,371 km2 coverage of V. dubia along road corridors and the entire County, respectively. The projected coverage of V. dubia was greatest for road corridors (239% under RCP4.5 and 302% under RCP8.5) compared to that of Gallatin County (127% under RCP4.5 and 241% under RCP8.5). Among the land use cover types, the model projected greatest expansion of V. dubia across agriculture land with 425% and 484%, and grasslands with 278% and 442% under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 respectively. Our modelling approach suggests that the changing climate will facilitate spread and establishment of non-native species in disturbed habitats. We conclude that V. dubia with a short history of invasion is expanding at an alarming rate and requires greater investment in detection and monitoring to prevent further expansion.
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    Restoration intensity shapes floristic recovery after forest road decommissioning
    (Elsevier BV, 2022-10) Larson, Christian D.; Rew, Lisa J.
    Forest roads fragment and degrade ecosystems and many have fallen into disrepair and are underutilized, to address these issues the United States Forest Service is restoring, or “decommissioning,” thousands of kilometers of forest roads each year. Despite the prevalence of decommissioning and the importance of vegetation to restoration success, relatively little is known about floristic responses to different forest road decommissioning treatments or subsequent recovery to reference conditions. Over a ten year period, this study assessed floristic cover, diversity, and composition responses to and recovery on forest roads decommissioned using three treatments varying in intensity (abandonment, ripping, recontouring), in Montana, USA. Initially, floristic cover groups were lowest on the recontoured roads, however, they demonstrated the fastest temporal response (e.g. increased litter and vegetative cover). The floristic communities of both active treatments (ripped and recontoured) had more species and were more diverse than the communities of the abandoned (control) treatment. Among the three on-road plant communities, the recontoured treatment was most associated with desirable species, including the native shrubs Rosa woodsii and Spirea betulifolia, while the abandoned treatment was most associated with two non-native species, Taraxacum officinale and Trifolium repens. Assessed using a restoration index, recovery to reference conditions was limited in all treatments, however, the recontoured treatment had a positive restoration trajectory in seven of eight metrics and was the best recovered treatment. Community composition on the recontoured treatment had more native species than the other treatments, and was moving toward, though still substantially different from, reference communities. These findings demonstrate that restoration of forest roads benefit from active restoration methods and, while forest road recontouring facilitates floristic recovery in the first decade after decommissioning, full recovery will likely take years to decades longer.
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    Indaziflam controls non-native annual mustards but negatively affects native forbs in sagebrush steppe
    (Cambridge University Press, 2021-10) Meyer-Morey, Jordan; Lavin, Matthew; Mangold, Jane; Zabinski, Catherine; Rew, Lisa J.
    Nonnative plant invasions can have devastating effects on native plant communities; conversely, management efforts can have nontarget and deleterious impacts on desirable plants. In the arid sagebrush steppe rangelands of the western United States, nonnative winter annual species affect forage production and biodiversity. One method proposed to control these species is to suppress the soil seedbank using the preemergent herbicide indaziflam. Our goal was to evaluate the efficacy of indaziflam to control nonnative annual mustards (Alyssum spp.) and to understand potential nontarget effects of management on the diverse mountain sagebrush steppe plant communities within Yellowstone National Park. Six sites were established along an elevation gradient (1,615 to 2,437 m), each with high and low Alyssum spp. infestations. We applied 63g ai ha−1 of indaziflam in late summer of 2018 and evaluated plant community cover in situ for 2 yr after treatment and emergence of forb species from the soil seedbank ex situ. Indaziflam was highly effective at controlling emergence of Alyssum spp. for 2 yr. Richness and Shannon’s diversity of the nontarget plant community were significantly lower in sprayed plots than in the control, and both decreased along the elevation gradient. These reductions were due to a decrease in perennial forbs and native annual forbs in the sprayed plots; perennial graminoids were not affected. Overall, the aboveground and seedbank community composition was negatively impacted by indaziflam, and these effects were strongest for the native annual forbs that rely on annual regeneration from the seedbank. The effects of this herbicide to the nontarget community should be evaluated beyond the length of our study time; however, we conclude that indaziflam should likely be reserved for use in areas that are severely invaded and have seedbanks that are composed of nondesirable species rather than diverse, native mountain sagebrush communities.
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    Climate change and micro-topography are facilitating the mountain invasion by a non-native perennial plant species
    (Pensoft Publishers, 2021-05) Larson, Christian D.; Pollnac, Fredric W.; Schmitz, Kaylee; Rew, Lisa J.
    Mountainous areas and their endemic plant diversity are threatened by global climate change and invasive species. Mountain plant invasions have historically been minimal, however, climate change and increased anthropogenic activity (e.g. roads and vehicles) are amplifying invasion pressure. We assessed plant performance (stem density and fruit production) of the invasive non-native forb Linaria dalmatica along three mountain roads, over an eight-year period (2008–2015) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), USA. We evaluated how L. dalmatica performed in response to elevation, changed over time, responded to climate and how the climate of our sites has changed, and compared elevation, climate, micro-topography (slope aspect and angle), and fruit production among sites with differing temporal trends. Linaria dalmatica stem density and fruit production increased with elevation and demonstrated two temporal groups, those populations where stem densities shrank and those that remained stable or grew over time. Stem density demonstrated a hump-shaped response to summer mean temperature, while fruit production decreased with summer mean maximum temperature and showed a hump-shaped response to winter precipitation. Analysis of both short and long-term climate data from our sites, demonstrated that summer temperatures have been increasing and winters getting wetter. The shrinking population group had a lower mean elevation, hotter summer temperatures, drier winters, had plots that differed in slope aspect and angle from the stable/growing group, and produced less fruit. Regional climate projections predict that the observed climate trends will continue, which will likely benefit L. dalmatica populations at higher elevations. We conclude that L. dalmatica may persist at lower elevations where it poses little invasive threat, and its invasion into the mountains will continue along roadways, expanding into higher elevations of the GYE
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    Effects of Elevated Temperature and CO2 Concentration on Seedling Growth of Ventenata dubia (Leers) Coss. and Bromus tectorum L.
    (MDPI, 2020-11) Harvey, Audrey J.; Rew, Lisa J.; Prather, Tim S.; Mangold, Jane M.
    The impacts of climate change are expected to alter the abundance and distribution of invasive annual grasses, such as Bromus tectorum L. (cheatgrass) and Ventenata dubia (Leers) Coss. (ventenata). High temperature extremes will be more frequent and for longer periods, and increased atmospheric CO2 is expected to double even with the most conservative estimates. Climate change draws concern for the potential success of winter annual grasses in arid and semi-arid plant communities. Information on B. tectorum’s growth response to climate change in laboratory and field experiments are available for monocultures; however, more knowledge is needed on the response when growing with other invasive grasses, such as V. dubia. We examined differences in seedling growth for V. dubia and B. tectorum growing alone and with each other under current (4 °C/23 °C at 400 ppm CO2) and elevated (10.6 °C/29.6 °C at 800 ppm CO2) climate conditions. There was one trial per climate scenario with 10 replications per competition type (inter-, intra-specific competition for each species). Bromus tectorum was larger than V. dubia across climate and competition treatments, but contrary to previous studies, both species were smaller in the elevated climate treatment. Ventenata dubia allocated more growth to its roots than B. tectorum across both climate treatments, indicating V. dubia may have a competitive advantage for soil resources now and in the future.
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    Moving up and over: redistribution of plants in alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic ecosystems under global change
    (2020-12) Rew, Lisa J.; McDougall, Keith L.; Alexander, Jake M.; Daehler, Curtis C.; Essl, Franz; Haider, Sylvia; Kueffer, Christoph; Lenoir, Jonathan; Milbau, Ann; Nunez, Martin A.; Pauchard, Anibal; Rabitsch, Wolfgang
    Extreme abiotic conditions, geographic isolation, and low levels of disturbance have historically provided alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic regions with low input of and relative resistance to the introduction of new species. However, the climate is warming rapidly, concomitant with intense and diversified types of human influence in these cold environments. Consequently, many plant species, both native and nonnative, are now moving or expanding their ranges to higher elevations and latitudes, creating new species interactions and assemblages that challenge biodiversity conservation. Based on our synthesis, many of the same nonnative species invade multiple cold environments, and many more could move up or over from adjoining warmer areas. Transportation networks and the disturbances associated with burgeoning development are responsible for many movements. Prevention and monitoring for nonnative plant species is of paramount importance, and management should be directed toward species that negatively impact ecosystem function or human well-being. Management of native range shifters is more complicated; most movements will be desirable, but some may be locally undesirable. Overall, plant movements into alpine, arctic, and Antarctic areas are going to increase, and management will need to be adaptive because species movements and assemblages of the past will not reflect those of the future.
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    Control of downy brome (Bromus tectorum) and Japanese brome (Bromus japonicus) using glyphosate and four graminicides: effects of herbicide rate, plant size, species, and accession
    (2019-11) Metier, Emily P.; Lehnhoff, Erik A.; Mangold, Jane; Rinella, Matthew J.; Rew, Lisa J.
    Nonnative annual brome invasion is a major problem in many ecosystems throughout the semiarid Intermountain West, decreasing production and biodiversity. Herbicides are the most widely used control technique but can have negative effects on co-occurring species. Graminicides, or grass-specific herbicides, may be able to control annual bromes without harming forbs and shrubs in restoration settings, but limited studies have addressed this potential. This study focused on evaluating the efficacy of glyphosate and four graminicides to control annual bromes, specifically downy brome and Japanese brome. In a greenhouse, glyphosate and four graminicides (clethodim, sethoxydim, fluazifop-P-butyl, and quizalofop-P-ethyl) were applied at two rates to downy brome plants of different heights (Experiment 1) and to three accessions of downy brome and Japanese brome of one height (Experiment 2). All herbicides reduced downy brome biomass, with most effective control on plants of less than 11 cm and with less than 12 leaves. Overall, quizalofop-P-ethyl and fluazifop-P-butyl treatments were most effective, and glyphosate and sethoxydim treatments least effective. Accessions demonstrated variable response to herbicides: the downy brome accession from the undisturbed site was more susceptible to herbicides than downy brome from the disturbed accession and Japanese brome accessions. These results demonstrate the potential for graminicides to target these annual bromes in ecosystems where they are growing intermixed with desired forbs and shrubs.
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