Schwertmannite formation at cel junctions by a new filament-forming Fe(I)-oxidizing isolate afiliated with the novel genus Authors: Jiro F. Mori, Shipeng Lu, Mathias Händel, Kai Uwe Totsche, Thomas R. Neu, Vasile Vlad Iancu, Nicolae Tarcea, Jürgen Popp, and Kirsten Küsel This is a postprint of an article that originaly appeared in Microbiology on January 2016. Mori, Jiro F. , Shipeng Lu, Mathias Händel, Kai Uwe Totsche, Thomas R. Neu, Vasile Vlad Iancu, Nicolae Tarcea, Jürgen Popp, and Kirsten Küsel. "Schwertmannite formation at cel junctions by a new filament-forming Fe(I)-oxidizing isolate afiliated with the novel genus." Microbiology 162, no. 1 (January 2016): 62-71. DOI: 10.1099/mic.0.000205. Made available through Montana State University’s ScholarWorks Schwertmannite formation at cel junctions by a new filament-forming Fe(I)-oxidizing isolate affiliated with the novel genusAcidithrix Jiro F. Mori,1Shipeng Lu,1,23Mathias Ha¨ ndel,3Kai Uwe Totsche,3 Thomas R. Neu,4Vasile Vlad Iancu,5Nicolae Tarcea,5Ju¨rgen Popp5,6 and Kirsten Ku¨sel1,2 Corespondence Shipeng Lu 1Aquatic Geomicrobiology, Friedrich Schiler University Jena, Jena, Germany 2The German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Hale–Jena–Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany 3Hydrogeology, Friedrich Schiler University Jena, Jena, Germany 4Department of River Ecology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ, Magdeburg, Germany 5Institute of Physical Chemistry and Abbe School of Photonics, Friedrich Schiler University Jena, Jena, Germany 6Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany A new acidophilic iron-oxidizing strain (C25) belonging to the novel genusAcidithrixwas isolated from pelagic iron-rich aggregates (‘iron snow’) colected below the redoxcline of an acidic lignite mine lake. Strain C25 catalysed the oxidation of ferous iron [Fe(I)] under oxic conditions at 258C at a rate of 3.8 mM Fe(I) day21in synthetic medium and 3.0 mM Fe(I) day21in sterilized lake water in the presence of yeast extract, producing the rust-coloured, poorly crystaline mineral schwertmannite [Fe(II) oxyhydroxylsulfate]. During growth, rod-shaped cels of strain C25 formed long filaments, and then aggregated and degraded into shorter fragments, building large cel– mineral aggregates in the late stationary phase. Scanning electron microscopy analysis of cels during the early growth phase revealed that Fe(II)-minerals were formed as single needles on the cel surface, whereas the typical pincushion-like schwertmannite was observed during later growth phases at junctions between the cels, leaving major parts of the cel not encrusted. This directed mechanism of biomineralization at specific locations on the cel surface has not been reported from other acidophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria. Strain C25 was also capable of reducing Fe(II) under micro-oxic conditions which led to a dissolution of the Fe(II)-minerals. Thus, strain C25 appeared to have ecological relevance both for the formation and transformation of the pelagic iron-rich aggregates at oxic/anoxic transition zones in the acidic lignite mine lake. Received 28 July 2015 Revised 13 October 2015 Accepted 23 October 2015 INTRODUCTION Iron-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) mediate the oxidation of ferrous iron [Fe(I)] to ferric iron [Fe(II)] to conserve energy for growth (Colmer & Hinkle, 1947). Biogenic Fe(II) subsequently hydrolyses and precipitates from sol- ution forming various Fe(II) oxides when the pH exceeds 2 (Kappler & Straub, 2005). Due to the low rates of chemi- cal Fe(I) oxidation under acidic conditions, acidophilic aerobic FeOB are the main drivers for Fe(I) oxidation, especialy in acid mine drainage impacted sites (e.g. Hal- berget al., 2006; Leduc & Ferroni, 1994; Lo´pez-Archila et al., 2001; Tysonet al., 2004). When the pH increases, FeOB face the problem of disposing their poorly soluble 3Present address:Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Center for Biofilm Engineering, Montana State University, 313 EPS Building, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA. Abbreviations: ARDRA, amplified rDNA restriction analysis; EPS, extracelular polymeric substance; FeOB, iron-oxidizing bacteria; SEM, scanning electron microscopy. The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession number for the 16S rRNA sequence ofAcidithrix ferooxidansstrain C25 is LN866582. One supplementary figure is available with the online Supplementary Material. Microbiology(2015),00,1–10 DOI10.1099/mic.0.000205 000205G 2015 The Authors Printed in Great Britain 1 Microbiology micromic000205.3d 30/11/2015 20:38:2 Macherey-Nagel) and were screened by amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) with restriction enzymesHhaI andBsuRI (HaeII) (Fermentas). Representative sequences were chosen for sequencing (Macrogen). The raw sequences were processed in Geneious 4.6.1 (Biomaters) for trimming and assembling, folowed byBLASThom- ology search (Johnsonet al., 2008) and phylogenetic characterization byARB6.0.2 (Ludwiget al., 2004). Characterization of strain C25.Growth of strain C25 was tested in APPW+YE medium at diferent temperatures and initial pH values. Rates of Fe(I) oxidation were determined both in APPW+YE liquid medium and in filter-sterilized lake water colected in June 2014 from *50 cm depth. FeSO4was added to APPW+YE medium and to lake water [v0.2 mM Fe(I)] as Fe(I) source to reach a final concen- tration of 25 mM. Aliquots of 5 ml pre-cultures growing in APPW+YE medium were added at the same time to either 100 ml medium or lake water in glass botles closed with a sterile coton stopper and incubated at 15 or 25uC for 30 days. Potential chemical Fe(I) oxidation was determined in abiotic controls and in inoculated medium amended with 0.1 mM sodium azide. Al treatments were prepared in triplicates. Aliquots of 0.2 ml were obtained with sterile pipetes every 2–3 days for measurements of pH (pH 330+ SenTix; WTW) and Fe(I) using the phenanthroline method (Tamura et al., 1974). After 10 days of incubation, 0.2 g YE was added to each botle of lake water as additional carbon source. Rates were calculated using the linear decrease of the Fe(I) concentration. The capacity for dissimilatory Fe(II) reduction of strain C25 was tested in FeSO4-supplemented APPW+YE medium at 25uC after Fe(I) was depleted and rust-coloured precipitates were formed. Then glucose was added to reach a final concentration of 5 mM. When no de-colouration was detected after 2 days, rubber stoppers were removed for*2 min every other day to maintain micro-oxic con- ditions. Reduction of Fe(II) was identified by de-colouration of the medium and increase of Fe(I) concentration. Atempts were also made to amplify form I (cbbL) and form I (cbbM) (large subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, found in autotrophic bacteria) genes for evidence of the ability of strain C25 to fix carbon dioxide using primer sets described by Alfreideret al.(2003, 2009). Microscopic observation of cel –mineral aggregation. The morphology of the isolate and its association with the Fe(II)-minerals was observed under light and fluorescent microscopy (Axioplan,). Bacterial cels taken from liquid culture were stained with SYTO 13 (Life Technologies) on glass slides and visualized. The light and flu- orescent images were taken by a mono-colour camera (Axio Cam MRm; Carl Zeiss). The bacterial aggregates were examined by CLSM using a TCS SP5X (Leica) equipped with a white laser source, an upright micro- scope and|63/1.2 water immersion lens. The bacterial aggregates were stained with SYTO 9 dye (Molecular Probes) for nucleic acid staining. Samples were analysed by CLSM using the laser line at Isolate WJ25 (AY495954) Ferithrix thermotolerans (AY140237) Ferimicrobium acidiphilum T23 (AF251436) Ferimicrobium sp. Mc9kl-1-4 (HM769774) Ferimicrobium acidiphilum FeSo-D1-6-CH (FN870326) Ferimicrobium sp. BGR 117 (GU168015) Acidimicrobium ferooxidans DSM 10331 (NR_074390) Clone JTC04 (AY805539) Acidithiomicrobium sp. P2 (GQ225721) Clone Central-Botom-cDNA clone1 (HE604007) Clone ORCL3.9 (EF042583) Clone RT11-ant04-c06-S (JF737864) Clone LRE22B6 (HQ420111) Clone TRA2-10 (AF047642) Clone AMD 67 (DQ159173) Acid streamer iron-oxidizing bacterium CS11 (AY765999) Acidithrix ferrooxidans strain C25 (LN866582) Clone LR AB199 (KF225655) Clone VA2-bac e9 (JN982087) Clone A1 a1 (HQ317068) Clone OY07-C073 (AB552359) Clone 20m c4 (HM745419) Clone CN13.5m-bac c1 (KC619609) Clone DCN-1-38 (DQ660858) Acidithrix ferooxidans Py-F3 (KC208497) Acid streamer iron-oxidizing bacterium KP1 (AY765991) Clone Carn-cDNA (FR846991) Clone TakashiA-B29 (AB254789) 0.10 Fig. 1.16S rRNA gene phylogenetic tree showing the close relationship of strain C25 (bold) with other closely related bac- terial isolates and clones. The tree was reconstructed using the neighbour-joining method. GenBank accession numbers for sequences are given in parentheses.Rubrobacter radiotolerans(GenBank accession number U65647) was used as out- group (not shown). Bar, 0.1 change per nucleotide position ; . Novel microbial schwertmannite formation approach htp:// 3 Microbiology micromic000205.3d 30/11/2015 20:38:2 483 nm. Emission signals were detected from 478 to 488 nm (reflec- tion signals from inorganic and mineral compounds) and 500 to 550 nm (SYTO 9). Optical sections were colected in thez-direction with a step size of 0.5mm. Images were subjected to blind deconvo- lution using Huygens 15.05 (SVI) and projected in Imaris 8.1.2 (Bitplane). Biogenic Fe(II)-mineral identification and visualization of cel –mineral associations.Raman spectroscopy was used to characterize the air-dried Fe(II)-mineral phases produced by strain C25 grown in APPW+YE medium. The Raman spectra were recor- ded with a Jobin-Yvon Labram Raman Confocal Microscope (Horiba). Whilst performing the measurements the microscope was equipped with a|50/0.5 microscope objective and a 300 lines mm21 grating spectrometer with a spectral resolution of*12 cm21. When recording of the spectra, the 532 nm laser line with a power of 50mW was employed. The samples were left out to dry at room temperature and then Raman spectra were recorded. The measurement time of a Raman spectrum varied from 250 to 300 s. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to visualize the cel– mineral associations. Droplets of the sample suspensions were put on silicon wafers and subjected to air drying. High-resolution secondary electron images were recorded with an ULTRA PLUS field emission scanning electron microscope (Carl Zeiss). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Placing strain C25 into the novel genusAcidithrix From a total of 61 isolates obtained from iron snow colected in the central basin of the lake, eight isolates were 100% iden- tical based on ARDRA and sequencing results. One represen- tative strain, strain C25, formed rust-coloured colonies within 1 week on FeO solid medium containing TSB. Colonies were circular, raised and produced rusty precipitates on the plate with a slightly brown centre. Cels of strain C25 were rod- shaped with a length of 1.5–2mm and a width of 0.5mm, stained Gram-positive, and were not observed to form Table 1.List of bacterial isolates and clones closely related to strain C25 = Sampling site Site pH Site tem- perature (8C) Isolate/clone designation GenBank accession no. Similarity to strain C25 (%) Reference Acidic lignite mine lake 77, Germany 2.8 11.5–13 Acidithrix ferrooxidans C25 LN866582 NA This study Acid copper mine Mynydd Parys, UK 2.5 11.3 Acidithrix ferrooxidans Py-F3, DSM 28176T KC208497 100 Jones & Johnson (2015); Kayet al. (2013) Acidic, iron-rich spa water in Trefriw Wel Spa, UK 2.7 10.1 Acid streamer iron-oxi- dizing bacterium CS11 AY765999 100 Halberget al.(2006) Acid copper mine Mynydd Parys, UK 2.4– 2.7 8.8–12.4 Acid streamer iron-oxi- dizing bacterium KP1 AY765991 100 Halberget al.(2006) Acidic lignite mine lake 77, Germany 4.0 9.8 Clone Central-Botom- cDNA 1 HE604007 100 Luet al.(2013) Acidic river, Rio Tinto, Spain 3.2 NA Clone RT11-ant04-c06- S JF737864 100 Garcı´a-Moyanoet al. (2012) Acidic coal mine drainage in the Lower Red Eyes spring, USA 3.0 14–24 Clone LRE22B6 HQ420111 100 Brownet al.(2011) Acid mine drainage from Iron Moun- tain, USA 2.5 20 Clone TRA2-10 AF047642 99.9 Edwardset al.(1999) Copper mine drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain 2.7– 2.8 NA Clone ORCL3.9 EF042583 99.7 Roweet al.(2007) Acid mine Los Rueldos, Spain ,2 ,13 Clone LR AB 199 KF225655 99.6 Me´ndez-Garcı´aet al. (2014) Carbondale constructed wetland system treating acid mine drainage, USA 2.0– 3.9 NA Clone AMD 67 DQ159173 98.3 Nicomratet al.(2008) Volcanic ash deposit from Miyake-jima, Japan 3.4 12.7 Clone OY07-C073 AB552359 98.1 Fujimuraet al.(2012) Acidic river, Rio Agrio, Argentina 1.0 59 Clone VA2-bac e9 JN982087 98.0 Urbietaet al.(2012) Acidic pit lake, Lake Concepcion, Spain 2.5– 3.5 12–13 Clone CN13.5m-bac c1 KC619609 97.2 Santofimiaet al. (2013) Acid mine effluent from La Zarza-Per- runal, Spain 3.1 25.6 Clone 20m c4 HM745419 97.1 Gonza´lez-Torilet al. (2011) Acidic hot springs, Iceland 2 45–50 Acidimicrobium ferroox- idansDSM 10331T NR_074390 91.9 Clark & Norris (1996) NA, not available in references. J. F. Mori and others 4 Microbiology00 Microbiology micromic000205.3d 30/11/2015 20:38:3 endospores. No growth was observed in liquid FeO medium without YE. However, beter growth was observed in APPW+YE medium supplemented with FeSO4. Cels couldgrow in iron-free medium with a reduced growth rate. The 16S rRNA gene of strain C25 places it within the family Acidimicrobiaceaein the phylumActinobacteria(Fig. 1). The 16S rRNA gene of strain C25 was only 91.9% identical to the moderate thermophileAcidimicrobium ferrooxidans DSM 10331T (GenBank accession number NR_074390) (Clark & Norris, 1996), but 100% identical to a high fraction of clones obtained from RNA extracted from samples of the same site in 2011 (Clone Central-Botom-cDNA 1 in Table 1) (Luet al., 2013). Strain C25 also shared 100% 16S rRNA gene identity with the FeOB strain CS11 (GenBank accession number AY765999), strain KP1 (GenBank accession number AY765991) andAcidithrix ferrooxidansstrain PY-F3T (GenBank accession number KC208497) (Fig. 1, Table 1) that was recently isolated from an acidic, metal-rich water in north Wales in the UK (Jones & Johnson, 2015). Strain C25 was able to grow and oxidize Fe(I) at pH 2.5– 6.5 in the temperature range from 15 to 33uC, but not at 37uC, with an optimum rate of oxidation observed between 25 and 30uC (Table 2). However, during growth the medium pH subsequently declined due to the release of protons that occurs when ferric iron hydrolyses water and produces Fe(II) oxide hydroxides. The final pH remained stable between 2.2 and 2.3 after 14 days of incu- bation regardless of initial pH values (Table 2). During the initial phase of Fe(I) oxidation by strain C25, a lag phase of*5 days was observed prior to the onset of Fe(I) oxi- dation when grown at 25uC (Fig. 2a). During this 5 day period, the medium pH increased slightly by*0.3 pH units before Fe(I) was consumed at a rate of 2.94+0.27 mM day21and rust-coloured precipitates formed. However, no second lag phase was observed when this culture was resupple- mented with FeSO4after Fe(I) depletion. Folowing resupple-mentation with FeSO4, the rates of Fe(I) oxidation increasedto 3.77+0.25 mM day21(Fig. 2a). Cels cultivated at 15uC showed a slower rate of Fe(I) oxidation (1.02+0.07 mM day21)witha3daylagphase(Fig.2b). WhenstrainC25 was cultivated in sterile-filtered lake water with a pH of 2.6 supplemented with FeSO4and YE, the observed ratesof Fe(I) oxidation were approximately 3.01+0.40 and 0.83+0.11 mM day21at 25 and 15uC, respectively (Fig. 2c, d). Neither cel growth nor Fe(I) oxidation was observed in any control cultures. Dissimilatory Fe(II) reduction was observed on strain C25 within 5 days under micro-oxic condition after an adjust- ment of the headspace and the addition of 5 mM glucose. Al Fe(II)-minerals generated under previous oxic con- ditions disappeared until no rust colour could be observed. Bacterial cels regenerated filaments during Fe(II) reduction (Fig. S1, available in the online Supplementary Material). Similarly, strain Py-F3Tcan catalyse the dissim- ilatory reduction of solid-phase Fe(II) under micro-oxic conditions (Jones & Johnson, 2015) as wel as many other acidophilicActinobacteria(Bridge & Johnson, 1998; Itohet al., 2011; Johnsonet al., 2003, 2009). Strain C25 showed high morphological and physiological similarities to the strain Py-F3T. However, strain C25 has diferent physiological characteristics compared with the newAcidithrix-type strain. Strain C25 could not grow at pH 2.0, but was shown to tolerate higher pH values than strain Py-F3T. In addition, strain C25 was unable to reduce solid-phase Fe(II) under strictly anoxic conditions, in contrast to strain Py-F3T. The genome sequence of strain Py-F3Tencodes two subunits for a type I ribulose 1,5- bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and several enzymes required for carbon fixation via the Calvin–Benson–Bas- sham cycle (Eisenet al., 2015). However, PCR products of thecbbLgene in strain C25 were only detected as a very weak band, thus we could not confirm the presence of genes encoding ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase in strain C25 (data not shown). Novel iron precipitation approach of strain C25 A novel iron precipitation approach was identified with cels of strain C25. Schwertmannite was identified as the sole product of Fe(I) oxidation by strain C25 using Raman spectroscopy (Fig. 3). The peaks exhibiting at 296, 318, 351, 424, 545, 718, and 986 cm21were close to the reference peak patern of schwertmannite (294, 318, 350, 421, 544, 715 and 981 cm21). Fluorescence microscopic examination showed that single cels of strain C25 formed long filaments (up to 400mm) during the active phase of Fe(I) oxidation (Fig. 4a). No EPS-like matrix was confirmed by SEM or fluorescence Table 2.Growth experiments of strain C25 in APPW+YE liquid medium at diferent cultivation temperatures and with diferent initial pH values > Temperature (pH 2.5) Starting pH of medium (258C) 158C 258C 308C 338C 378C 2.0 2.5 4.5 6.5 + ++ ++ +/2 – – (2.0)* ++(2.2–2.3)* ++(2.2–2.3)* ++(2.2–2.3)* *Final pH of media at day 14 of incubation in triplicates. Novel microbial schwertmannite formation approach htp:// 5 Microbiology micromic000205.3d 30/11/2015 20:38:3 microscopy. Eventualy the entangled filaments were associated with rust-coloured schwertmannite (Fig. 4b). In the later stationary phase, long filaments broke into smaler fragments and single cels leading to the formation of greater cel–mineral aggregates (Fig. 4c–e). Filaments were also observed when cels were inoculated in Fe(I)- free medium. Interestingly, diferent stages of schwertman- nite aggregation could be clearly diferentiated using SEM (Fig. 5). Initialy, cels growing for 3–4 days displayed needle-shaped whiskers formed on the cel surface, which implies al cel-oxidized iron is cel wal-associated (Fig. 5b). After 1 week, filamentous cels featured ‘matured’ spheres with numerous peripheral needles atached to the cel surface only at junctions between the cels, leaving major parts of the cel surface free of encrustation 0 5 10 15 20 25 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 pH pH 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Fe (II) co nc ent rat io n ( mM ) Fe (II) co nc ent rat io n ( mM ) Time (days) Time (days) (a) (c) (b) (d) Fig. 2.Ferous iron oxidation by strain C25 in (a, b) synthetic medium APPW+YE and (c, d) lake water at 25 (a, c) and 158C (b, d), respectively. Additional ferous iron was added at day 14 of incubation in APPW+YE at 258C (a, arowed point). Strain C25 cultured in APPW+YE medium (X) or lake water (#). APPW+YE medium (&) or lake water (%) without bacterial inoculation. Strain C25 cultured in APPW+YE medium(m) or lake water (D) with 0.1 mM sodium azide. Data represent mean¡SD;n53 <. 0 200 296 318 351424 545 718 986 Schwertmannite reference 400 600 800 Wavenumber (cm–1) Strain C25 aggregate 1000 1200 1400 Ra ma n in te nsit y Fig. 3.Raman spectra of the Fe(II)-mineral produced by strain C25 in APPW+YE medium (black line) and authentic schwert- mannite standard (blue line). J. F. Mori and others 6 Microbiology00 Microbiology micromic000205.3d 30/11/2015 20:38:3 (Fig. 5c). Finaly, ‘matured’ schwertmannite clumped together with other neighbouring minerals atached to cel surfaces, leading to the formation of coiled-cel fila- ments. During the formation of these large cel–mineral assemblages, the long cel filaments appeared to break into shorter fragments. This directed mineral formation alowed parts of the cel surface to remain free of encrusta- tion, enabling them to retain access to dissolved Fe(I) and other nutrients (Fig. 5d). This wel-coordinated mechan- ism for biomineralization controled by strain C25 was dis- tinct from other known Fe(I) oxidation approaches under low pH conditions. Acidophilic bacteria have to maintain their cytoplasm at neutral pH by reversing their membrane potential. Some researchers suggest a positive charge on the cel surfaces (Hedrichet al., 2011; Norriset al., 1992), whilst others suggest a negative surface charge (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fig. 4.Formation of long filaments of strain C25 during diferent growth phases. (a–d) Cels of strain C25 in APPW+YE medium were stained with SYTO 13 (green, nucleic acids). Images were taken at day 4 (a), 7 (b), 12 (c) and 30 (d) of culti- vation. (e) Three-dimensional volume view of strain C25 cels which an form iron-rich aggregate, stained with SYTO 9 (green, nucleic acid; grey, reflection). Bar, 10mm. Novel microbial schwertmannite formation approach htp:// 7 Microbiology micromic000205.3d 30/11/2015 20:38:3 (Baker-Austin & Dopson, 2007). Schwertmannite at the given pH has a positive charge and schwertmannite needle formation was observed at the sites of cel-to-cel connections of strain C25, suggesting a heterogeneous distribution of surface charge or an accumulation of specific anionic compounds at the polar end of the cels might be involved in the directed localization of the Fe(II)-minerals at this specific position. The biominerali- zation approaches of otherActinobacteriaspecies have not been wel characterized. Strain Py-F3Thas only been shown to initiate schwertmannite precipitation (Jones & Johnson, 2015) without further details. Acidophiles, includingLeptospirilumandFerroplasma, capable of grow- ing in extremely acidic (pHv2) environments, are not susceptible to iron encrustation (Druschelet al., 2004; Tysonet al., 2004). Other acidophilic FeOB, such asFerro- vum myxofaciensandAcidithiobacilus ferrooxidans, which are known to grow in less extreme environments, are able to deposit Fe(II)-minerals into their EPS as a mechanism to avoid encrustation by the Fe(II)-minerals (Frankel & Bazylinski, 2003; Hedrichet al., 2011). Ecological significances of strain C25 Filamentous bacteria with a similar morphology to strain C25 are present in iron snow as revealed by CLSM imaging in a previous study (Luet al., 2013). The oxic/anoxic (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 5.Scanning electron micrographs of strain C25 and Fe(II)-minerals formed by the oxidation of Fe(I) by stain C25.(a) A single cel of strain C25.(b) The initial phase of Fe(II)-mineral precipitation on the cel filaments of strain C25.(c) Precipitation of pincushion-like Fe(II)-mineral spheres at the joint part of cel filaments. (d) A cel–Fe(II)-mineral aggregate formed by strain C25 cels and pincushion-like Fe(II)-mineral spheres in the later stationary growth phase. Bar, 1mm. Anoxic Oxic Fe2+ O2 Strain C25 Schwertmannite Fe3+ Fe2+Redox- cline EPS EPSproducers Fig. 6.Putative schematic model depicting the significant role of strain C25 in iron snow formation in the redoxcline of acidic iron- rich lakes. J. F. Mori and others 8 Microbiology00 Microbiology micromic000205.3d 30/11/2015 20:38:3 transition in the redoxcline is idealy suited for micro- organisms with the ability to oxidize Fe(I) and reduce Fe(II). Strain C25 and other related species make up the largest fraction of the metabolicaly active bacteria in the iron snow, folowed by the EPS-formingFerrovumspecies (Luet al., 2013). Thus, we suggest that strain C25 is involved in early stages of iron snow formation via Fe(I) oxidation and subsequent large cel aggregate formation associated with the pincushion-like mineral schwertman- nite (Fig. 6). EPS released byFerrovumspecies should favour the cohesiveness and additional growth of these pelagic aggregates, atract heterotrophic micro-organisms, and aid in the prevention of complete iron encrustation. These pelagic aggregates, reaching a mean size between 60 and*240mm (Reicheet al., 2011), wil begin to sink through the redoxcline. When the oxygen concentration declines, strain C25 could exploit the adsorbed organic compounds as a carbon source under micro-oxic con- ditions and trigger the utilization of schwertmannite as an alternative electron acceptor. This reductive dissolution ultimately results in a reduced size that would enable the iron snow to remain in the redoxcline for an extended period of time prior to sinking to the sediment. The capacity of strain C25 to serve both halves of the iron cycle provides a unique insight into the ecological relevance and importance in linking the redoxcline with the sediment by providing a mechanism for removal of iron, microbial cels and organic carbon from the water column, and sub- sequent accumulation in the sediment. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS J. M. was supported by the graduate research training group ‘Altera- tion and element mobility at the microbe–mineral interface’ (GRK1257), which is part of the Jena School for Microbial Communi- cation and funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). S. L. was supported by the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Hale–Jena–Leip- zig and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. We thank Maren Sickin- ger, Dr Juanjuan Wang and Dr Rebecca Cooper for technical assistance, discussions and manuscript proofreading. REFERENCES Alfreider, A., Vogt, C., Hofmann, D. & Babel, W. 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