Bishnu Angon, ProdiptoAnjum, NafisaMasuma Akter, Mst.KC, ShreejanaParvin Suma, RucksanaJannat, Sadia2024-06-192024-06-192023-05Angon, Prodipto Bishnu, Anjum, Nafisa, Akter, Mst. Masuma, KC, Shreejana, Suma, Rucksana Parvin, Jannat, Sadia, An Overview of the Impact of Tillage and Cropping Systems on Soil Health in Agricultural Practices, Advances in Agriculture, 2023, 8861216, 14 pages, 2023. is currently a demand to grow more crops in less area as a result of urbanization’s reduction of agricultural land. As a result, soil fertility is gradually declining. To maintain soil fertility, various management methods are used in modern times. The conventional tillage method is a traditional tillage method that damages soil structure, but zero tillage can improve soil quality. By maintaining soil structure with no-tillage, biological processes are frequently improved and microbial biodiversity is increased. This review helps to understand the role of tillage as well as cropping systems in increasing crop production by maintaining soil fertility. For agricultural production and environmental protection to be sustained for future generations, soil quality must be maintained and improved in continuous cropping systems. The nodulation, nitrogen fixation, and microbial community are all impacted by different cropping systems and tillage methods. They also alter soil properties including structure, aeration, and water utilization. The impact of tillage and cropping system practices such as zero and conventional tillage systems, crop rotation, intercropping, cover cropping, cultivator combinations, and prairie strip techniques on soil fertility is carefully summarized in this review. The result highlights that conservational tillage is much better than conventional tillage for soil quality and different aspects of different tillage and their interaction. On the other hand, intercropping, crop rotation, cover cropping, etc., increase the crop yield more than monocropping. Different types of cropping systems are highlighted along with their advantages and disadvantages. Using zero tillage can increase crop production as well as maintain soil fertility which is highlighted in this review. In terms of cropping systems and tillage management, our main goal is to improve crop yield while minimizing harm to the soil’s health.en-UScc-by and cropping systemssoil healthagricultural practicesAn Overview of the Impact of Tillage and Cropping Systems on Soil Health in Agricultural PracticesArticle10.1155/2023/8861216