Parker, Jacob Douglas2021-11-162021-11-162021-11 Animations in mp4 format.Animations associated with Figures 4.9, 4.11, 4.13, and 4.14, from the Chapter titled "First Flight of the Extreme-ultraviolet Snapshot Imaging Spectrograph (ESIS)". Ani_4_9.mp4 shows Level-3 difference images from the entire ESIS imaging sequence. Ani_4_11.mp4 shows the Level-3 difference movie of the spatially extended eruption captured by ESIS, and the associated Level-3 images (along the top row). It also shows co-temporal data from the 304, 171, and 193 angstrom AIA channels along the bottom row for comparison. Animations Ani_4_13.mp4 and Ani_4_14.mp4 show the temporal evolution of the MART inverted line profiles at 9 spatial locations across both explosive events inverted and discussed in Chapter 4, events c and d.en-USAnimations associated with Chapter 4 of thesis by Jacob Douglas Parker, "First Flight of the Extreme-ultraviolet Snapshot Imaging Spectrograph (ESIS)"Chapter Four AnimationsAnimation