Wichman, David M.Chen, ChengciMcPhee, K.Muehlbauer, F.J.Neill, Karnes E.Short, R.W.Vavrovsky, Joe2014-04-022014-04-022003https://scholarworks.montana.edu/handle/1/3305This paper evaluates dry pea and lentil lines for grain production potential in Central Montana's dryland environment. Despite receiving more than three-times the monthly average precipitation in April, crop year (April through August) precipitation was 85 percent of normal (8.73 inches vs. 10.24 inches), as severe drought like conditions continued in Central Montana. A severe infestation of grasshoppers plagued Central Ag. Research Center (CARC). These factors, coupled with the late seeding date (May 7th), resulted in much below normal pulse grain yields.en-USAgronomyPlant sciencesWestern Regional Dry Pea and Lentil Trials (2003)Technical Report