Chairperson, Graduate Committee: C. John GravesJohnson, Katrina Marie2024-10-312023 purpose of this study was to determine the effect that a project based instructional method would have on student achievement and attitude towards science. Students were given a pre-unit survey regarding attitude and confidence in science as well as a pre-test to gauge content knowledge. During the study, the treatment group received instruction based heavily around projects, with students constructing model atoms and alternate periodic tables. The non-treatment group received instruction in a traditional format of lecture and class discussion. Throughout the study, both groups of students were given Claim, Evidence, Reasoning prompts to evaluate their understanding of concepts relating to atoms and the periodic table. Students were given the same survey and pre-test questions at the end of the unit to determine if project based learning had an effect. Students in the non-treatment group showed a greater improvement in confidence and post-test scores whereas students in the treatment group improved more in their critical thinking and reasoning skills.enScience--Study and teachingHigh school studentsProject method in teachingReasoningStudents--AttitudesThe impact of project based learning on student engagement and motivationProfessional PaperCopyright 2023 by Katrina Marie Johnson