Jaeger, Timothy Scott2015-05-122015-05-121991https://scholarworks.montana.edu/handle/1/6866By taking external information, internalizing it, and re-presenting it within an art language, my work attempts to derive 'new understanding and insight regarding culture and the self. The difficulties of this life process are analogous to entering a maze whose chambers contain hidden truths. Each chamber holds multiple doors distorting and disorienting one’s choices in life. Metaphorically the maze represents culture with birth as its entrance and death as its exit. Each chamber is one’s past and each door is the present as well as passage into the future (symbolizing a transformation of consciousness). Mastery within the maze (culture) consists of questioning its parameters to establish truth from illusion.enArt--ExhibitionsMixed media (Art)DoorsCultureLife cycles (Biology)Doors, windows and other containers of thoughtThesisCopyright 1991 by Timothy Scott Jaeger