Wichman, David M.Chen, ChengciMcPhee, K.Muehlbauer, F.J.Neill, Karnes E.Short, R.W.Vavrovsky, Joe2014-04-022014-04-022007https://scholarworks.montana.edu/handle/1/3313This paper evaluates dry pea, lentil and chickpea lines for grain production potential in dryland environments. Dry pea grain yields averaged 1,422 lbs of dry pea production per acre (Table 3). Delta smooth yellow pea had the highest grain production (1,627 lbs acre-1) but was not significantly higher than eight other pea lines (based on LSD(0.05)). Lentil yields were suppressed and may have been due to a growing nematode problem in adjacent fields (not confirmed in field trial established). The trial averaged 955.1 lbs per acre (Table 4). The “Brewer”-type lentil, Merrit, produced the most seed, averaging 1128.0 lbs acre-1, but was not statistically higher (based on LSD0.05) than eight other lines. Chickpea grain yields averaged 758.5 lbs of grain production per acre (Table 5.). Dylan kabuli-type chickpea produced the most grain (978.8 lbs acre-1), but was significantly similar to line CA0090B347C (based on LSD0.05).en-USAgronomyPlant sciencesWestern Regional Dry Pea, Lentil and Chickpea Trials (2007)Technical Report