Chen, ChengciNeill, Karnes E.Wichman, David M.2014-04-022014-04-022002 report evaluates narrow-leaf lupine varieties for potential adaptation to central Montana and determines optimum seeding date and rate for this crop in central Montana. Same as the variety evaluation trial, Lupin-M1 kept green throughout the summer, we did not harvest this variety. Furthermore, there was herbicide damage caused by the residual herbicide from previous crop (it was suspected to be Tordon). The damage was especially severe in Replicate 1, therefore, only the replicate 2 and 3 were harvested. Data from two varieties and two replicates are presented as following. Yields were generally lower than the variety evaluation trial. There was no significant different between the drill types and varieties (Fig. 1). Seeding date and rate significantly affected lupine seed yield (Fig.2). The second seeding date (1 May) had higher yield than the first (11 April) and the third (29 May) seeding dates. Yield increased significantly when seeding rate increased from 100 la/A to 120 lb/A, but there was no difference when seeding rate increased from 80 and 100 and when seeding rate increased from 120 to 160 lb/a(Fig.2).en-USAgronomyPlant sciencesNarrow-leaf Lupine Variety Evaluation and Agronomic Studies (2002)Technical Report