Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Jim ZimpelKemp, Morgan Markley2024-11-092024 100 million sharks are killed per year due to finning, fishing, and beauty industries. The destruction of a critical apex predator has been overlooked due to a lack of empathy for the venerable creature. This is due to the negative impacts from the film Jaws and the subsequent rise in fear mongering media that has created a false persona that sharks are blood-thirsty man-eating monsters meant to be feared and worthy of defeat. In order to generate positive change to save sharks, the populations perception of what sharks are must be changed. By creating a body of artwork inspired by the true beauty of sharks, fearful opinions of sharks can be exchanged for respect and admiration. Subtilities of the atrocities afflicting sharks can be introduced in a palatable way resulting in empathy that can enact real change for shark conservation.enMixed media (Art)SharksConservation biologyHuman-animal relationshipsMass mediaJaws: a love storyThesisCopyright 2024 by Morgan Markley Kemp