Mannheimer, Sara2024-02-202024-02-202024Mannheimer, S. (2024). Scaling up: How data curation can help address key issues in qualitative data reuse and big social research. Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services: Springer. Springer Nature 2024This book explores the connections between qualitative data reuse, big social research, and data curation. A review of existing literature identifies the key issues of context, data quality and trustworthiness, data comparability, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, and intellectual property and data ownership. Through interviews of qualitative researchers, big social researchers, and data curators, the author further examines each key issue and produces new insights about how domain differences affect each community of practice’s viewpoints, different strategies that researchers and curators use to ensure responsible practice, and different perspectives on data curation. The book suggests that encouraging connections between qualitative researchers, big social researchers, and data curators can support responsible scaling up of social research, thus enhancing discoveries in social and behavioral science.en-UScopyright Springer Nature 2024datadata curationqualitative data reusebig social researchsocial datacommunities of practice theoryqualitative content analysisdata qualitydata comparabilityinformed consentdata privacyconfidentialityintellectual propertydata ownershipScaling up: How data curation can help address key issues in qualitative data reuse and big social research. Introduction (Ch. 1) - Insights from Interviews with Researchers and Curators (Ch. 7).Book chapter