Lanning, Susan P.Philips, DaveTalbert, Luther E.Vavrovsky, JoeWargo, JudeeWichman, David M.2014-02-122014-02-122003Lanning, S.P., Philips, D., Talbert, L.E., Vavrovsky, J., Wargo, J., Wichman, D.M. 2003. 2003 Evaluation of durum wheat variety performance under no-till recrop conditions following a pulse crop near Moccasin, Montana and 2003 Evaluation of durum wheat variety performance in recrop systems near Denton and Fort Benton. Moccasin, Mt.: Central Agricultural Research Center. report evaluates the agronomic performance of durum wheat varieties in recrop or continuous crop environments in the southern triangle and central Montana. Twenty spring durum varieties were re-cropped no-till into lentil stubble. The only supplemental fertilizer was 50lbs per acre of 20-20-20-10 blend applied through the drill at seeding. Conditions were good at seeding, but plant available moisture conditions deteriorated through June and July resulting in low yields and low test weights. Drought conditions contributed to low yields and test weights and above normal grain protein levels. New varieties are steadily replacing many of the old standards as the consistent top yielders.en-USAgronomyPlant sciences2003 Evaluation of Durum Wheat Variety Performance Under No-Till Recrop Conditions Following a Pulse Crop Near Moccasin, Montana and 2003 Evaluation of Durum Wheat Variety Performance in Recrop Systems near Denton and Fort BentonTechnical Report