Cohen, Susan L.2022-11-032022-11-032022-06Susan L. Cohen (2022): The Early Bronze IV — Middle Bronze I transition in the southern Levant: analysis and assessment, Levant, DOI: 10.1080/00758914.2022.20736890075-8914 transition between the Early Bronze Age IV and the Middle Bronze Age in the southern Levant remains poorly understood, stemming in part from traditional approaches to the problem that frame it in terms of exogenous cultural origins and disjuncture versus indigenous growth and continuity of development. However, the growing range of diversity of data relating to both eras increasingly mitigates against such monocausal interpretations. Instead, assessment and analysis of different strands of evidence such as settlement patterns, subsistence practices and mortuary traditions, together with accompanying physical material culture, indicate that the transition between eras in the southern Levant was a complex and variable process that included considerable inter-regional variation, and incorporated both external influence and internal developments.en-UScc-by-nc-nd levantEB IVMB Imiddle bronze agetransitionregionalismThe Early Bronze IV — Middle Bronze I transition in the southern Levant: analysis and assessmentArticle