Shi, X.Avci, RecepLewandowski, Zbigniew2017-07-212017-07-212002-09Shi X, Avci R, Lewandowski Z. Microbially Deposited Manganese and Iron Oxides on Passive Metals—Their Chemistry and Consequences for Material Performance. CORROSION. 2002 Sep;58(9):728–38.0010-9312 stainless steel and Ti-6A1-4V corrosion coupons exposed to fresh river water ennobled the open circuit potential (OCP) to values of +365 mVsce and +400 mVsce , respectively. ToF-SIMS spectra indicated that the biominerals on the metal surfaces area a mixture of Fe2O3, Mn3O4 on partially ennobled coupons. Biomineralized manganese and iron oxides on the 316L stainless steel surfaces, regardless of the oxidation states, endanger the material integrity in a similar manner, as evidenced by the elevated OCP and increased cathodic current density upon mild polarization.Microbially deposited manganese and iron oxides on passive metals - their chemistry, distribution, and consequences for material performanceArticle