Martínez-Sykora, Juanvan der Voort, Luc RouppeCarlsson, MatsDe Pontieu, BartPereira, Tiago M. D.Boerner, P.Hurlburt, Neal E.Kleint, LuciaLemen, JamesTarbell, Ted D.Title, Alan M.Wuelser, Jean-PierreHansteen, Viggo H.Golub, LeonMcKillop, SeanReeves, Kathy K.Saar, StevenTesta, PaolaTian, HuiJaeggli, SarahKankelborg, Charles2015-10-192015-10-192015-04Martínez-Sykora, Juan, Luc Rouppe van der Voort, Mats Carlsson, Bart De Pontieu, Tiago M. D. Pereira, Paul Boerner, Neal Hurlburt, Lucia Kleint, James Lemen, Ted D. Tarbell, Alan Title, Jean-Pierre Wuelser, Viggo H. Hansteen, Leon Golub, Sean McKillop, Kathy K. Reeves, Steven Saar, Paola Testa, Hui Tian, Sarah Jaeggli, and Charles Kankelborg. "Internetwork Chromosphereis Bright Grains Observed with IRIS and SST." The Astrophysical Journal 803, no. 1 (April 2015): 44. DOI: Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) reveals small-scale rapid brightenings in the form of bright grains all over coronal holes and the quiet Sun. These bright grains are seen with the IRIS 1330, 1400, and 2796 Ã… slit-jaw filters. We combine coordinated observations with IRIS and from the ground with the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope (SST) which allows us to have chromospheric (Ca ii 8542 Ã…, Ca ii H 3968 Ã…, Hα, and Mg ii k 2796 Ã…) and transition region (C ii 1334 Ã…, Si iv 1403 Ã…) spectral imaging, and single-wavelength Stokes maps in Fe i 6302 Ã… at high spatial ($0\\buildrel{\\prime\\prime}\\over{.} 33$), temporal, and spectral resolution. We conclude that the IRIS slit-jaw grains are the counterpart of so-called acoustic grains, i.e., resulting from chromospheric acoustic waves in a non-magnetic environment. We compare slit-jaw images (SJIs) with spectra from the IRIS spectrograph. We conclude that the grain intensity in the 2796 Ã… slit-jaw filter comes from both the Mg ii k core and wings. The signal in the C ii and Si iv lines is too weak to explain the presence of grains in the 1300 and 1400 Ã… SJIs and we conclude that the grain signal in these passbands comes mostly from the continuum. Although weak, the characteristic shock signatures of acoustic grains can often be detected in IRIS C ii spectra. For some grains, a spectral signature can be found in IRIS Si iv. This suggests that upward propagating acoustic waves sometimes reach all the way up to the transition region.Internetwork Chromospheric Bright Grains Observed with IRIS and SSTArticle