Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Michael Everts; Steven Juroszek (co-chair)Robertson, Christopher Cole2013-06-252013-06-252007 Current engagement in public parks are “Open vague”, or “Specific” questioning how we are to use the space. In contract, “Open Specific” public spaces provide a more explicit opportunity providing users a choice of multiple intuitive responses. GOAL: Achieve Spatial Incubation by engaging in the intuitions for defined users. CONTEXT: Our culture is operating under the influence of a progressively growing technological developments such as ipods, cell phones, pda’s, and laptop computers. Within this pace superficial overlays of context form like a blanket causing a vagueness in our articulation of the external environment. Futhermore, when we rely on others to perform in favor of our best interest vagueness can persuade us individuals to believe responsible actions are taking place on issues that concern us, and in actuality these steps are not taking place. STRATEGY: ARCHITECTUALLY THREADING AN “OPEN SPECIFIC” PUBLIC SPACE. PROJECT SITE: Why the United Nations? Politically charged with a history of agenda, diversity, failing collaboration, status, and iconography: the site is currently exclusive in relationship to the public. This exclusivity includes a history of problems with diplomatic immunity, closed physical access to the archives library denying information context, security tight entrances, and inaccessible members. This backdrop intensifies a relationship between an archaic closed source operating model with the public and current open source model found in successful collaborative entities such as wikipedia, linux, and youtube. ARCHITECTURAL CONCLUSIONS: Incubating Intuition. Creating engagement of our intuitive interactions among the environment requires an intense study and sensitivity of both general, and specific user groups. The weaving that takes place among such groups of people in a political charged park atmosphere requires a sense of anticipatory response. In this case, the goal of architecture is not always to provide space, but to suggest interaction with calculated moves. This takes a humbled approach that may require the absolute understanding that our constructed architectural space may not be fullfilled until it is inhabited.enIntuitionTimePopular cultureSpatial incubation of intuitive mitigation[+-]_spatial incubation of intuitive mitigationThesisCopyright 2007 by Christopher Cole Robertson