Berg, Jim E.Bruckner, Phil L.Dahlhausen, S.J.Vavrovsky, JoeWichman, David M.2014-01-292014-01-292011Berg, J.E., Bruckner, P.L., Dahlhausen, S.J., Vavrovsky, J., Wichman, D.M. 2011. Evaluation of winter wheat cultivar performance under continuous crop, crop-crop-fallow and crop-fallow systems in central Montana. Moccasin, Mt.: Central Agricultural Research Center. report evaluates the relative performance of winter wheat cultivars and development lines in central Montana crop environments. The 2011 growing season conditions were atypical beginning with above average precipitation in September and November. Winter precipitation was near average, while April through mid-June precipitation was much above average. Mid-June through August precipitation was below average. The Winifred location was hailed out in mid July. Stripe rust infestations were wide spread in winter wheat.en-USAgronomyPlant sciencesEvaluation of Winter Wheat Cultivar Performance Under Continuous Crop, Crop-Crop-Fallow and Crop-Fallow Systems in Central Montana (2011)Technical Report