Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Karen ZulkowskiCrowder-Klobofski, Amy Gail2014-07-142014-07-142013 is known regarding the relationship between pressure ulcer prevention, nurses' knowledge and attitudes. This thesis will examine the relationship between nurses' knowledge and attitudes regarding pressure ulcers through a literature review and a survey of a hospital and long term care unit in a frontier setting in one frontier western state. While most nurses will admit they know how to prevent pressure ulcers, they will also admit that it is not a high priority compared to other duties as well (Samuriwo, 2010). Frontier facilities need to maintain continuing education for nurses that educated nurses provide consistent quality care.enBedsoresMedical care--Needs assessmentNurses--AttitudesA descriptive correlation study regarding the effect of nurses' attitudes toward pressure ulcer risk and careThesisCopyright 2013 by Amy Gail Crowder-Klobofski