Campbell, Colleen2016-11-302016-11-301992 project is being developed for a new and eager generation of students from all over the world who are just now coming to grips with the treasures and the excitement of the old Celtic traditions and the Gaelic language. Together, the new generation of students and the project will create balanced judgements and wide perspectives between the culture of the Celts and the world of today. The working dynamics of the Celtic mind will now be able to be taught to the children of the Celt. The goal of this project is to create a learning atmosphere in which the Gaelic language, along with the history and tradition of the Celts, can be taught. In order to fulfill this goal, the design of the buildings and layout of the campus will all be influenced by Celtic design, materials and hierarchy.enScottish Gaelic languageEducationCultureGaelic echo : a retreat & learning centerUndergraduate ThesisCopyright 1992 by Colleen Campbell