Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Ronald TobiasSmith, Sarah Maigin2016-01-032016-01-032014 star: a huckleberry tale is a film that is part of the student's thesis project.In this essay I deconstruct myself as a science and nature filmmaker by 1) interrogating the historical forces behind my understanding of nature; 2) coming to terms with what I've learned about the subjectivity of textual experience and the constructed "objective realities" of science driven knowledge, and 3) by showing how I travel between the two in my own filmic style through a textual analysis of my thesis film 'Lucky Star'. Within this analysis I look at two films that I studied and used for inspiration - Agnes Vardas' 'Les Glaneurs et La Glaneuse', 'The Gleaners and I', (2000), and Cindy Stillwell's 'Mating For Life' (2012).enAuthorshipNature filmsArt and scienceJumping at the sun : the social construction of myself as nature filmmakerLucky star: a huckleberry taleThesisCopyright 2014 by Sarah Maigin Smith