Fraher, ErinBalu, RukminiBuerhaus, Peter I.George, JulieMurillo, Crystal L.Washington, A. Eugene2021-03-082021-03-082020-05Fraher, Erin, Rukmini Balu, Peter Buerhaus, Julie George, Crystal L. Murillo, and A. Eugene Washington. “Developing a Workforce for Health in North Carolina.” North Carolina Medical Journal 81, no. 3 (May 2020): 185–190. doi:10.18043/ncm. the many trends influencing health and health care delivery over the next decade, three are particularly important: the transition to value-based care and increased focus on population health; the shift of care from acute to community-based settings; and addressing the vulnerability of rural health care systems in North Carolina.en-USDeveloping a Workforce for Health in North Carolina: Planning for the FutureArticle