Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Ronald TobiasBackus, Alison Lorraine2013-06-252013-06-252006 member of my marriage: living with a diabetic is a film that is part of the student's thesis project.The medical documentary seeks to bridge the gap between the traditional imbalance of knowledge between the patient and her medical practitioner. This paper will examine the issue of the imbalance of the doctor and patient throughout the history of medicine, explore how the medical documentary seeks to solve this imbalance, and the methods by which it does so. By comparing three related medical documentaries and examining the strengths and weaknesses of each one in its attempt to educate and engage the viewer, I will seek to create a broad model for future medical documentaries and relate how my thesis film fits this new model.enDocumentary filmsMedical films (Motion pictures)CriticismDiabetesStorytellingBringing medicine to the masses : exploring the relationship between the medical documentary and the publicThird member of my marriage: living with a diabeticThesisCopyright 2006 by Alison Lorraine Backus