Berg, Jim E.Bruckner, Phil L.Vavrovsky, JoeWichman, David M.2014-02-122014-02-122003Berg, J.E., Bruckner, P.L., Vavrovsky, J., Wichman, D.M. 2003. 2003 Evaluation of IMI-tolerant winter wheat variety performance in recrop trials at Fife near Belt and Great Falls. Moccasin, Mt.: Central Agricultural Research Center. report evaluates the agronomic performance of IMI-tolerant winter wheat varieties in recrop or continuous crop environments in the goat grass infested area near Belt. The IMI-tolerant winter wheat variety trial was re-cropped till-plant after spring wheat. The site was very dry at seeding as the double disk plot drill penetrated the soil surface to a depth of ¾ to 1 inch. Stand establishment was good. The dry conditions persisted through the spring at the test site. The IMI tolerant trait did provide the opportunity to control jointed goat grass without killing the wheat. The droughty conditions limited the evaluation of the yield potential of these lines. Some lines did show good yield potential relative to standard varieties in severe limited moisture environment.en-USAgronomyPlant sciences2003 Evaluation of IMI-tolerant winter wheat variety performance in recrop trials at Fife near Belt and Great FallsTechnical Report