Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Peggy Taylor.Koper, Donald Christopher2015-05-192015-05-192014 growing number of classrooms are using Personal Response Systems, or clickers, to enhance instruction in the classroom. This paper examines the effects of using clickers on student academic performance as well as evaluating student's perspectives on the use of these devices in the classrooms. Thirty-two students were surveyed in two college preparatory physics classes over two semesters. The fall semester students used the clickers while the spring semester students did not... Result showed that student interest and confidence in the material presented seemed greater with the use of these devices. This increased confidence however did not correlate with higher test scores results showed that, 33% of students using clickers scored an A or B on semester exams while 43% did so without the use of clickers. In conclusion clickers did not seem to improve academic success in the classroom and may be used to encourage student participation in the classroom.enPhysicsStudent response systemsAcademic achievementHigh school studentsThe effects of personal response systems on student engagement and performance on testsProfessional PaperCopyright 2014 by Donald Christopher Koper