Tecca, LaurynArendt, Emily (Faculty Mentor)2021-04-152021-04-152021-04https://scholarworks.montana.edu/handle/1/16224This research seeks to prove that the debt crisis in Britain following the Seven Years’ War manifested itself as an economic and ideological crisis for colonial America. It seeks to examine the shockwaves that follow the first Acts passed by Britain in regards to taxation that left colonists angry and obstinate. It explores the idea of the Seven Years’ War as an economic anomaly for Britain and the colonists alike. Major themes include the impact of the economy on ideals, the nature of the economic issues following the Seven Years’ War, and rifts between colonists and Britain as a result of the Stamp Act of 1765. It will rely on primary sources, specifically newspapers and journals. Based on this primary evidence, it will seek to prove that the economic consequences of the Seven Years’ War became much more ideological in nature, forcing Britain to relinquish its hold on America.Copyright Lauryn Tecca 2021A Crisis Like Never Before: The Economic and Ideological Divide of the Colonists and Britain, 1763-1769Working Paper