Wichman, David M.Chen, ChengciMcPhee, K.Muehlbauer, F.J.Neill, Karnes E.Short, R.W.Vavrovsky, Joe2014-04-022014-04-022004https://scholarworks.montana.edu/handle/1/3306This paper evaluates winter hardiness of fall seeded winter dry pea and lentil lines. All winter pea lines exhibited good winter hardiness, with the trial having an average of 106% survivability (Table 3). No differences were observed among the winter pea lines. The winter lentil lines did not exhibit good winter survival as the trial averaged only 69.8% survival (Table 4). Line LC9978094 had the highest survival rating (88.5%), but was not significantly higher than lines LC9979120, WA8649041 and LC9978057.en-USAgronomyPlant sciencesEvaluation of Fall Seeded Winter Pea and Lentil Line Performance (2004)Technical Report