Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Greg FrancisHawkins, Meghan Kathleen2018-04-032018-04-032017 my students would benefit from completing practice in the form of classroom work and activities, many of my students do not have either the time or the interest to do so. The students put a focus on earning grades instead of gaining knowledge from assignments and work throughout the year, they never worry about how they can learn more or improve their future work, just how they can get the grades they want on their report card. This project investigated how using formative feedback in the form of student self-reflection and peer-assessment can effect student metacognition and learning. This feedback came in two main forms, self-assessment and peer assessment and was reflected on by the students in their interactive science notebooks allowing students to show the steps they took towards mastery of standards. Data collection for this project not only included reflection in their interactive science notebooks, but the students' attitude towards formative feedback and standards-based grading, as well as data collected on students' cumulative grades both before and after the project. The results indicated that students benefited the most on the graphing assignments when performing self-assessment and peer assessment. Peer and Self-assessments had the littlest effect on the science interactive notebook grades. Peer and self-assessments seemed to be helpful in some areas and to some students but results were non-conclusive as a whole. Same was seen in the science interactive notebooks, some students benefited from having everything in one organized place yet others weren't organized enough to benefit from the notebooks.enBiologyHigh school studentsNotebooksFeedback (Psychology)The effect of formative feedback through science interactive notebooks on student learning in high school biologyProfessional PaperCopyright 2017 by Meghan Kathleen Hawkins