Holloway, Roberta Joy2015-05-122015-05-121996https://scholarworks.montana.edu/handle/1/7371My thesis proposes that Eva Hesse and Lynda Benglis, by employing unique and original approaches to materials and processes, redefined sculpture and established infinite possibilities to creating three-dimensional objects. I will juxtapose the Minimal and Post-Minimal movement, and will illustrate the impact that Hesse and Benglis had on American art. These artists depended on process and innovative materials as intrinsic components in their work and thus introduced new approaches to creating abstract art. My work will also be discussed as it is inspired by the work of Eva Hesse.enArt--ExhibitionsSculptureMinimal artArt, AmericanThe contributions of Eva Hesse and Lynda Benglis on contemporary sculpture and how they have influenced my workThesisCopyright 1996 by Roberta Joy Holloway