Berg, Jim E.Bruckner, Phil L.Vavrovsky, JoeWichman, David M.Wargo, JudeePhilips, Dave2014-02-102014-02-102004Berg, J.E., Bruckner, P.L., Philips, D., Vavrovsky, J., Wargo, J., Wichman, D.M. 2004. 2004 Evaluation of winter wheat variety performance on no-till recrop at Moccasin and Denton. Moccasin, Mt.: Central Agricultural Research Center. agronomic performance of winter wheat varieties in no-till re-crop (continuous) crop environments near Moccasin and Denton, Montana. The growing conditions for the 2004 winter wheat crop were much better than most recent years. Moisture conditions were not outstanding, but cool June temperatures minimized evaporation demand during critical seed fill. However, below average precipitation in June and July resulted in below average test weights. holding capacities. The use of broadleaf legume and oilseed crops has facilitated the use of a wider array of herbicides which has help managed wild oats, downy brome and other weeds often associated with cereal only systems. MT00159 continues to have outstanding yield performance as it has done in the two previous years. Winter wheat yields were much above expectations for both the Moccasin and Denton locations given the below average precipitation levels. The protein levels indicate some nitrogen loss may have occurred at the Denton location.en-USAgronomyPlant sciences2004 Evaluation of Winter Wheat Variety Performance on No-Till Recrop at Moccasin and DentonOther