Drain, Paul K.Adams, Alexandra K.Kessler, LarryThompson, Matthew2024-03-042024-03-042023-11A Call to Improve Usability, Accuracy, and Equity of Self-Testing for COVID-19 and Other Rapid Diagnostic Tests Paul K. Drain, Alexandra K. Adams, Larry Kessler, and Matthew Thompson Health Equity 2023 7:1, 731-7342473-1242https://scholarworks.montana.edu/handle/1/18353The increasing availability of rapid diagnostic self-tests (RDSTs) for COVID-19 has played an important and increasing role during the pandemic. However, for many underserved communities, RDSTs potential benefits are offset by problems with usability, accuracy, and equity. Given the increased need for and interest in home testing for acute and chronic diseases, including COVID-19, this piece offers ways that regulatory agencies, federal public health agencies, and test developers should engage with diverse communities to ensure equity throughout test development, implementation, and evaluation. Such engagement will ensure maximum personal and public health benefits for current and future RDSTs under real-world conditions.en-UScc-byhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/COVID-19rapid diagnostic testingCOVID-19 self-testingunderserved populationsA Call to Improve Usability, Accuracy, and Equity of Self-Testing for COVID-19 and Other Rapid Diagnostic TestsArticle