Guthrie, JackBranson, KarleeOrtiz-Martinez, MarleneRordam, SarahStumne, MckenzieUtter, ShayneGrether, Holly2020-10-092020-10-092020-04 is a course assignment collected as part of the MSU COVID-19 Special Collection in response to the pandemic of 2020.Discussion prompt: View the Buddhist dharma lecture and the Taoism lecture. Discuss at least 4 concepts (two from each) . For each concept, discuss EITHER how it compares or contrasts to earlier material we have covered in this class OR how it could be applied to help explain or deal with our current global pandemic; or the experience of social distancing. Please write freely and be as creative as you want. Then, pose a question for further discussion and respond to at least two classmates.en-USCopyright 2020, the authors.RLST206IH (ORIGINS OF GOD) COVID ResponsesLearning Object