Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Peggy Taylor.Felchle, Jessica Lynn2013-06-252013-06-252012's inquiry-based science classroom is continually academically challenging. This can be even more of a struggle for students identified with learning disabilities. All students, including those who receive special education services, are required to participate in the regular education science curriculum. In this study specific science strategy interventions were implemented over a six-week treatment period to support students with learning disabilities in the regular science education classroom. The data indicates that with appropriate content interventions, all students participated and engaged in the classroom environment with a greater confidence. In addition to academic engagement, most students saw an increase in their academic achievement in the regular education classroom. In conclusion, the treatment led to an increase in positive attitudes toward the science classroom and in content learning.enScience--Study and teachingSpecial educationMiddle school studentsThe effects of science strategies support for identified students with learning disabilitiesProfessional PaperCopyright 2012 by Jessica Lynn Felchle