Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Greg FrancisSussberg, David Alexander2022-07-082022-07-082021 educational institutions have transitioned to online learning, opening opportunities and demand for creative, innovative, effective, and engaging online environmental science curricula. Therefore, I designed and taught an online Brightspace (D2L) science course. Student and staff study population were affiliated with Blackfeet Community College in Browning, Montana. A mixed methods research design assessed the curriculum's effectiveness for student learning; results indicated that students were positively impacted, gaining a greater understanding of scientific theory and praxis. This study significantly empowered me as an educator and can serve as a resource to construct online science curricula.enEnvironmental sciencesCollege studentsIndians of North AmericaWeb-based instructionEducation--CurriculaEvaluationDesigning, teaching, and assessing an innovative online science curriculum for effective student learningProfessional PaperCopyright 2021 by David Alexander Sussberg