Codd, Sarah L.Seymour, Joseph D.2017-01-312017-01-312012-10Codd SL, Seymour JD, "Nuclear magnetic resonance measurement of hydrodynamic dispersion in porous media: Preasymptotic dynamics, structure and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics," European Physical Journal Applied Physics, October 2012 60(2): 24204-240121286-0042 of displacement time and length scale dependent dynamics by pulsed gradient spin echo nuclear magnetic resonance in porous media directly provides the preasymptotic hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient. This allows for comparison with nonequilibrium statistical mechanics models of hydrodynamics dispersion in porous media. Preasymptotic dispersion data and models provide characterization of porous media structure length scales relevant to transport and are related to the permeability and sample heterogeneity.Nuclear magnetic resonance measurement of hydrodynamic dispersion in porous media: Preasymptotic dynamics, structure and nonequilibrium statistical mechanicsArticle