Arlitsch, KenningOBrien, Patrick2014-02-262014-02-262012-03Kenning Arlitsch, Patrick S. O'Brien, (2012) "Invisible institutional repositories: Addressing the low indexing ratios of IRs in Google Scholar", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 30 Iss: 1, pp.60 - 81 authors conducted two surveys of institutional and disciplinary repositories across the USA, using different methodologies. They also conducted three pilot projects that transformed the metadata of a subset of papers from USpace, the University of Utah's institutional repository, and examined the results of Google Scholar's explicit harvests.Google Scholar has difficulty indexing the contents of institutional repositories, and the authors hypothesize the reason is that most repositories use Dublin Core, which cannot express bibliographic citation information adequately for academic papers. Google Scholar makes specific recommendations for repositories, including the use of publishing industry metadata schemas over Dublin Core. This paper aims to test a theory that transforming metadata schemas in institutional repositories will lead to increased indexing by Google Scholar.en-USSearch enginesDigital librariesGoogle ScholarInstitutional repositoriesSearch engine optimizationMetadataSEOInvisible institutional repositories: addressing the low indexing ratios of IRs in Google ScholarArticle