Uchida, M.Willits, Deborah AnnMuller, KarinWillis, Ann F.Jackiw, LarissaJutila, Mark A.Young, Mark J.Porter, Alexandra E.Douglas, Trevor2017-07-122017-07-122009-01Uchida M, Willits DA, Muller K, Willis AF, Jackiw L, Jutila M, Young MJ, Porter AE, Douglas T, "Intracellular distribution of macrophage targeting ferritin–iron oxide nanocomposite," Adv. Mater. 2009 21(4):458-4620935-9648https://scholarworks.montana.edu/handle/1/13222Intracellular distribution of iron oxide nanoparticlesincorporated within a ferritin mutant that displays genetically introduced cell-targeted peptides (RGD-4C) on its exterior surface are investigated using scanning transmission electron microscopy with a high-angle annular dark-field detector. The particles (indicated by arrows) internalized into macrophages much more effectively than those with noncell-targeted ferritin.Intracellular distribution of macrophage targeting ferritin–iron oxide nanocompositeArticle