Clark, Jason A.Llovet, PolMannheimer, SaraSheehan, Jerry2016-10-302016-10-302016-04Clark JA, Llovet P, Mannheimer S, Sheehan J (2016) Montana State University Research Data Census Instrument, Version 2. Montana State University ScholarWorks. State University developed the Research Data Census (RDC) to engage our local research community in an interactive dialogue about their data. The research team was particularly interested in learning more about the following issues at Montana State: the size of research data; data storage needs; data sharing and publication behaviors; and interest in existing services that assist with the curation. Version 1 of the RDC (​​) was distributed in January 2015. Version 2 was ​distributed in spring 2016.en-USMontana State University Research Data Census Instrument, Version 2Other