Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Katherine J. Hansen; Karl W. Birkeland (co-chair)Cooperstein, Michael Stephen2013-06-252013-06-252008 research was conducted to determine if slope aspect played a role in the formation, size and shape of surface hoar and near-surface faceted crystals and on the meteorological variables that are known to result in the formation of these two weak layers. No studies have specifically studied the effects of slope aspect on the size and shape of these crystals nor the effects of slope aspect on the meteorological variables which are known to result in differences in temperature and vapor pressure gradients and ultimately result in the formation of two weak layers.enAvalanchesForecastingFrostSnow--Thermal propertiesThe effects of slope aspect on the formation of surface hoar and diurnally recrystalized near-surface faceted crystalsThesisCopyright 2008 by Michael Stephen Cooperstein