Berg, Jim E.Bruckner, Phil L.Philips, DaveWargo, JudeeWichman, David M.2014-02-102014-02-102004Berg, J.E., Bruckner, P.L., Philips, D., Vavrovsky, J., Wargo, J., Wichman, D.M. 2004 Evaluation of winter wheat variety performance on fallow at Geraldine and Winifred. Moccasin, Mt.: Central Agricultural Research Center. report evaluates the agronomic performance of winter wheat varieties in no-till recrop (continuous) crop environments near Geraldine and Winifred, Montana. The Geraldine site was abandoned due to variable stand establishment. The site was a no-till fallow site where the surface soil was strongly crusted. However, once through the crust the moist soil went to a depth greater than 48”. Sufficient moisture was received to sprout the seed, but insufficient to sustain some seed till the roots could penetrate the crusted surface and the seeding died. The farmer used an air seeder with hoe openers and had excellent stand establishment. The soil at the Winifred site was less crusted, but stand establishment and seedling growth was not as good as the farmer had around the plots. Early May spring moisture was good. However, the winter wheat crop ran out of moisture during grain fill causing the test weights to be light and erratic. The information generated is weak due to variation across the nursery.en-USAgronomyPlant sciences2004 Evaluation of Winter Wheat Variety Performance on Fallow at Geraldine and WinifredTechnical Report