Western, Arthur B.Baker, A. G.Pollina, R. J.Schmidt, V. Hugo2015-04-132015-04-131977-01A.B. Western, A.G. Baker, R.J. Pollina, and V.H. Schmidt, "Search for tricritical point in KH2PO4 at high pressure. I. Static dielectric behavior near critical point at zero pressure," Ferroelectrics 17, 333-335 (1977).0015-0193https://scholarworks.montana.edu/handle/1/8965The proposed tricritical point in KDP occurs if the critical field, Ecr, can be brought to zero by applying pressure. The Landau equation of state E = A0(T - T0)P + BP3 + CP5 gives straight-line “isopols” in the T-E plane. We obtain values for A0, B and C and thus Ecr by observing such isopols. We find A0 = 4.3 × 10-3; B = -2.35 × 10-11 C = 5.91 × 10-19 cgs esu for the crystal studied at ambient pressure. These values lead to Ecr = 232 V/cm and δPspon (Tc) = 1.82 C/cm2. High pressure results are imminent.Condensed matter physicsApplied mathematicsSearch for tricritical point in KH2PO4 at high pressure. I. Static dielectric behavior near critical point at zero pressureArticle