Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Yoshiko Yamashita ColcloughTrystianson, Bowen Austin Stephen2022-10-072022-10-072022 catheters are useful medical tools for draining urine. These devices are often used for patients whose medical conditions make urination difficult or may limit their mobility, making toileting challenging. The use of urinary catheters is associated with risks such as trauma or infection. Therefore, medical research aims to limit the usage of urinary catheters only for patients who need intervention and also to reduce the duration of catheter usage. A hospital in central Montana had noted an increase in their overall urinary catheter use. To address this increase a project was started with the goal of revising an existing catheter policy and adding in the authorization for registered nurses to remove catheters when appropriate. To help guide the project, a literature review was undertaken. Research was sought out in the areas of urinary catheter guidelines, utilization of policies, implementation of policies, and sustaining change. Once the literature review was completed, an existing policy was checked against existing guidelines and a point was added to this policy to permit registered nurses to remove urinary catheters when deemed appropriate. Further, this policy was adopted by the facility. Training presentations were then developed and recorded to familiarize nurses with the new policy and the new nurse-driven urinary catheter removal process. An algorithm was developed to aid nurses' decision-making process for the removal of catheters. As there was considerable delay in the project implementation due to various factors, the end goal of achieving a reduction in urinary catheter days was not determined. Despite not achieving the ultimate goal within the specified time, this project is still of value to future quality improvement initiatives. The project identifies a number of potential pitfalls and recommends ways to overcome these obstacles. It also highlights the value of persevering the implementation process despite the associated difficulties and delays.enCathetersMedical policyNursesAlgorithmsDevelopment and implementation of a policy to reduce urinary catheter daysDissertationCopyright 2022 by Bowen Austin Stephen Trystianson