Izurieta, ClementeLaMeres, BrockNakigawa, WataruSorensen, Sam2013-03-052013-03-052013-03https://scholarworks.montana.edu/handle/1/593Abstract OnlyVampire power, energy consumed by devices in low-power or standby modes, accounts for 22% of an average home’s power consumption, according to a 2008 California Energy Commission study. By providing a convenient and largely autonomous system for monitoring and controlling power consumption, the Smart Power Strip aims to minimize or eliminate the average household’s annual $100 spent on powering devices in standby, low-power, or “instant-on” modes while using minimal power itself. Features such as per-device scheduling, power usage data, and remote access through a WebUI provide the user with straightforward tools for convenient power monitoring and regulation.en-USSmart Power StripPresentation