Ernst, Glen Edward2015-05-122015-05-121987 detailed examination of the reaction of a cis-1,2 disubstituted platinacyclobutane with carbon monoxide was performed. This examination was centered on two alkyl chloride products. Mass spectral data, solvent effects, additive effects, and deuterium labelling studies were examined to determine whether a cationic intermediate was present and if free HCl was necessary in the formation of either product. The studies pointed to at least two different mechanisms possible for each product, some explaining data better than others. The seemingly great number of possible mechanisms facilitated by platinum is discussed.enPlatinum--AnalysisCarbon monoxideAlkyl compoundsCarbon monoxide facilitated rearrangements of a cis-1,2 disubstituted platinum(IV)metallacyclobutaneThesisCopyright 1987 by Glen Edward Ernst