Prevention of staphylococcal biofilm-associated infections by the quorum sensing inhibitor RIP


Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis associated with implantable medical devices, are often difficult to treat with conventional antimicrobials. Formation of a biofilm and subsequent production of toxins are two distinct mechanisms considered important in foreign body infections. Staphylococcal virulence is caused by a complex regulatory process, which involves cell-to-cell communication through the release and response to chemical signals in a process known as quorum sensing. We explored the possibility of preventing infections by interfering with biofilm formation and toxin production using the quorum sensing inhibitor ribonucleic-acid-III-inhibiting peptide. In our studies ribonucleic-acid-III-inhibiting peptide prevented graft-associated infections caused by all species of staphylococci tested so far, including methicillin resistant S. aureus and S. epidermidis. Ribonucleic-acid-III-inhibiting peptide also enhances the effects of antibiotics and cationic peptides in the clearance of normally recalcitrant biofilm infections. Ribonucleic-acid-III-inhibiting peptide is nontoxic, highly stable, and no resistant strains have been found so far, suggesting that ribonucleic-acid-III-inhibiting peptide may be used to coat medical devices or used systemically to prevent infections. When the target of ribonucleic-acid-III activating protein activity is disrupted, biofilm formation is reduced under flow and static conditions and genes important for toxin production or biofilm formation are down-regulated. These in vitro data help explain why ribonucleic-acid-III-inhibiting peptide seems to be effective in preventing staphylococcal infections.




Balaban N, Stoodley P, Fux CA, Wilson S, Costerton JW, Dell'Acqua G, "Prevention of staphylococcal biofilm-associated infections by the quorum sensing inhibitor RIP," Clin Orthop Relat R, 2005 437:48-54
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